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Sunday, Jun 30th

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Statement by Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, D-N.M.

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“Domestic terrorists attacked our Capitol today and attempted to undermine our democracy, they failed. Some Republicans sought to overturn an election decided by the people, they failed.  We performed our constitutional duty early this morning [Jan. 7] and certified the election results. The people’s vote for President prevailed.

What we do now will define who we are as a Nation. We must focus Congress’ work on creating opportunities for our communities. We must focus on beating this pandemic and fixing our economy.”

On Jan. 7 Leger Fernandez  released the following statement:

“This President is a threat to the people and our democracy. We are resolved to do everything we can to remove him from office. I urge the Cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment. We never know what this man is going to do. It’s always scary and yesterday it was deadly.”