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Seven Habits of the Self-Aware Leader

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Leadership McKinley, class of 2018, shares seven must-do habits to move your leadership to the next level. Developing self-awareness and knowing your team means forging connections that count. Self-aware leaders are more effective because they foster communication and invite feedback, make efforts to inform themselves and others, synthesize ideas, and take action.

It’s TIME to become self-aware and move your leadership to the next level!

Part 7: Encouraging Others
Contributor – Kaytaundra Francisco

“Don’t just bargain for success. Pay the price” -Israelmore Ayivor

Individuals who are serious about leading others find ways to push their teammates to succeed; and along with that, they teach others to accept any failures that may come. Allowing teammates to have a sense of ownership in projects or jobs results in an even better product. When people take pride in what they are doing, they have more determination, and are likely to give 100% (or more!) to the task.

Part 7 of 7 in a series of articles from Gallup-McKinley Chamber of Commerce Leadership McKinley class participants.