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Sunday, Jun 16th

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State leaders celebrate renaming of Gallup veterans clinic

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Congress passed a bill on Sept. 18 that renames the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic for the late Corporal Hiroshi “Hershey” Miyamura, who died on Nov. 29. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández, D-N.M. Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., led the...

These ‘outta sight’ ‘60s slang terms are poised for a comeback

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Sure, we could discuss some far-out, groovy words we’re all hip to (if you can dig it). However, today’s installment of Grammar Guy discusses some of the less common 60’s slang I think we should give another try. So, before you can reply with a “sock it to me,” it’s time to get in our verbal time machines and split.

Copacetic: No problems — things are all right. I’d like to see a version of “copacetic” used sarcastically like the “this is fine” meme featuring the dog sitting in a burning room. Is your world collapsing around you? It’s copacetic. Everything is copacetic.

Shine me on: when someone was ignoring your presence. This was the 60’s equivalent of...

Our state must continue its historic investments in families, kids

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By Amber Wallin, Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children and James Jimenez, Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children Action Fund

With great opportunity comes great responsibility.

As was the case earlier this year, the Governor and Legislature will again have significant revenue to allocate once they meet in January of 2024. At a recent legislative hearing, Secretary of Taxation and Revenue Stephanie Schardin Clarke spoke eloquently about both the opportunity and the responsibility. She said the state is “building a bridge from peak oil” to income that is more predictable and sustainable. Such a bridge is built on investments in our people – what...

Gee whiz! Let’s bring back these nifty ‘50s slang terms

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The 1950s were a wild time. Everything was in black and white, there weren’t any footprints on the moon and no one had even heard of Taylor Swift. Can you imagine what that must have been like?

Although some things from the 1950s are long gone, the decade’s slang terms live on. Let’s take a look at some notable quotables from the mid-twentieth century.

Gringles: worries. As in, “Boy, do I have a fat stack of gringles today.” I like gringles because it sounds like “gripes” and “Pringles” had a baby. Let’s bring it back!

What’s buzzin’ cousin? This means “how’s it going” or “what’s happening.” I love the rhyme and the “z” sounds in this phrase...

The critical trio of life expectancy, health care costs, retirement risks

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When it comes to preparing for retirement, a holistic approach is imperative. As you map out your golden years, three pivotal considerations stand out: life expectancy, health care costs, and retirement risks. Each plays a significant role in ensuring you have adequate funds to support a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Let’s delve deeper into each.


In the 21st century, thanks to advancements in medical science and healthier lifestyles, people are living longer. That’s great news, but it also means we need to plan for extended retirement years.

Understanding the Numbers: The average life expectancy continues to rise. In many...

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