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Presumptions established pursuant to the Agent Orange Act of 1991

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Part 2 of 2

Continued from last issue

After reviewing the IOM’s analyses and relevant scientific studies, and consulting with medical and legal experts in VA, I determined that the evidence concerning b-cell leukemia’s, Parkinson’s disease, and ischemic heart disease met the “positive association” standard of the...

Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth )

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CONSERVATISM: Individual freedom, personal responsibility, content of character, Judeo-Christian values, Constitutionally limited government, free market capitalism, fiscal responsibility.

LIBERALISM: Self-righteous elitism, unaccountability, covetousness, collective thought, identity politics, good intentions overriding consequences, and a neurotic need for control of others thru government regulation and political correctness.

DEMOCRAT PLANTATION MENTALITY: Liberal elite masters give economic dependents government entitlements in exchange for political support but, at the same time, take away their freedom...

Providing More Help for the Community

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It was a cold and snowy morning on Jan. 8 at the old fire station on Second and Maloney, and the veterans of the A-Team assembled slowly, rubbing their hands together for warmth and leaving their jackets zipped all the way to the neck until the heat eventually seeped through their systems.

This was a very informal meeting, with barely over half the team present, and initial talk continued to center around various frauds being perpetrated against veterans and seniors, which in this context were one and the same. A recent article in the AARP Bulletin put the scams for one year at $12.76 billion in America. Lots to talk about there, including ways to circumvent the predators that would...

Presumptions established pursuant to the Agent Orange Act of 1991

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Part 1 of 2

In 1991, Congress enacted the Agent Orange Act of 1991, which prescribed a more focused and proactive policy for addressing these Veterans’ concerns.  The Act directed VA to seek to contract with the National Academy of Sciences, a respected independent expert scientific body, to evaluate the evidence regarding the health effects of exposure to herbicides.

Under that requirement, VA receives reports every two years from the National Academy’s Institute of Medicine (IOM).  The act further directed VA to establish presumptions of service connection for any disease discussed in the IOM’s reports for which the evidence showed a “positive association” between...

Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth )

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Continued from last week


PATRIOTISM: Maintaining the values and principles of America’s Founding Father Patriots who stood up to the tyranny of an oppressive government. Those principles emphasized limited government, individual freedoms, personal responsibility, free market capitalism and their revolutionary extremist conviction that all men are created equal.

AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM: ‘While most nations evolved from tribal clans and royalty the US was born, and born of ideas: that all men are created equal, that they have been given by God certain rights that can be taken from them by no man, and that those rights...

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