
Gallup Sun

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Wellness includes more than money

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Holistic approaches to a secure retirement

When envisioning retirement, many conjure images of tropical beaches, serene landscapes, and the well-deserved relaxation that a lifetime of hard work grants. Yet, underlying these dreams is a cornerstone most focus on: financial security. And while a robust savings account is...

Cleaning up Hillside Cemetery

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Research comes from the French language meaning to express intensive force to search.

That is a good description of my last few months finding out what I could about the Hillside cemetery, aka, the “Chinese” cemetery, on Gallup’s north side, at the end of Fifth Street and Victoria Avenue.

I had heard about this cemetery for years but hadn’t seen it until the end of 2020, when, as all of us were, I was cooped up at home and needed to get out of the house for some air. My husband and I took our four-wheeler out to the northside desert and were driving along an old dirt road when we came upon the cemetery.

It was obvious that it was a cemetery by the headstones that were and...

New Mexico isn’t ready for electric cars

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It seems that Big Government is rearing its ugly head again, but this time it is right here in New Mexico.  On Nov. 13 and 15 the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board and the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Boards will hold hearings on the implementation of the California Advanced Clean Car II rules. The Advanced Clean Car II rules being considered will be implemented with model year 2027 vehicles and require that manufacturers, and thereby their franchised dealers, have available on a statewide basis 43% of their vehicles for sale being either battery electric or plug-in hybrids.

With the exception of Tesla and a few small manufacturers of electric vehicles, no...

How to avoid the family Thanksgiving apocalypse

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As the aroma of roasted turkey fills the air and the anticipation of Thanksgiving festivities builds, so does the looming dread of potential political and cultural hot topics at the family table. These conversations, often fueled by strong opinions and a generous helping of tryptophan, can quickly transform a joyous gathering into a heated debate.

To help you navigate this minefield of conflicting viewpoints and maintain harmony during this special occasion, here are some pre-approved, politically and grammatically correct Thanksgiving talking points to keep you from coming to blows with Uncle Rick.

“I’m thankful for my family, my friends and my stretchy pants.” In this list of...

The retirement end zone

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Scoring big with safe money strategies, secure investments

By Al Martinez 
Guest Columnist

1. Entering the Red Zone: Nearing Retirement In football, the red zone is the area of the field between the 20-yard line and the opponent’s end zone. It’s where scoring opportunities are close at hand but require precision and skill. The “Retirement Red Zone” refers to those critical years leading up to retirement, where financial decisions are pivotal, and mistakes can be costly.

2. Building a Solid Offensive Line: Diversification To score in the red zone, you need a solid offensive line. In retirement planning, this means a diversified portfolio that balances growth and security...

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