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Burying the lede for a new year

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It’s resolution time, which means your local gym’s treadmills will be in high demand while they glisten with other people’s sweat (until roughly the end of February). You’ve probably set some goals for yourself and defined ways you’d like to be more awesome in 2024. Allow me to suggest an additional resolution: to...

Luján, colleagues introduce legislation to support treatment of pregnant, postpartum women

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WASHINGTON D.C. —  U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., Tim Scott, R-S.C., Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., introduced the bipartisan Pregnant and Postpartum Women Treatment Reauthorization Act to reauthorize the grant residential treatment programs for pregnant and postpartum women to receive residential treatment for substance use disorder Dec. 8. This legislation will authorize funding to enhance comprehensive substance use disorder treatments, prevention and recovery support, parenting training, mental health counseling, and harm reduction interventions.

Drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids like fentanyl, reached record...

How to purposefully punctuate the holiday season

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This is most likely my oldest son’s last year believing in Santa. I think he’s onto the big lie my wife and I have been spinning.

Will he ruin it for his younger siblings? I sure hope not. After all, our six-year-old told me just yesterday, “Dad, if you’re naughty, Santa will give you Coke in your stocking.” Bless her heart.

As you know, my expertise isn’t in Mr. Claus; it’s in mystery clauses. Christmas has plenty to teach us about punctuation, so let’s delve down the chimney of Christmas present tense.

Semicolons can really slay if you use them the right way. In fact, they connect clauses better than Mrs. Claus Facetiming Santa from the North Pole. A semicolon...

Six annuity misconceptions you need to know

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Annuities often come up as a topic of discussion when considering retirement savings. Yet, misconceptions abound, possibly causing unnecessary hesitation for potential investors. Here’s a deeper dive into the most common misconceptions surrounding annuities:

1. High costs associated with annuities: Not all annuities are expensive. While it’s true that variable annuities (securities-based annuities sold by security licensed professionals) may often come with higher annual fees between 3% and 5%—which includes various charges like management and insurance—the landscape of annuities is vast. Other types, such as fixed-indexed annuities, have lower costs. Choosing a plan that fits...

A Festivus airing of grammar grievances

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I do my best to put a positive spin on grammar. After all, having a solid grasp of the English language can help you get ahead in life. I’ll take that truth to my grave.

However, I occasionally receive visits in the night from holiday hoodlums. In fact, just the other night, I recorded this conversation between the Grammar Grinch and Syntax Scrooge. These guys are the Statler and Waldorf of word nerdery. I recorded them airing their grammar grievances. Frank Costanza would be proud.

Scrooge: I can’t believe people still add apostrophes on their holiday cards. “Season’s Greetings from the Miller’s?!” The Miller’s what? The Miller’s dog? Never add an apostrophe to your...

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