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You are here: Opinions Viewpoints Seven Habits of the Self-Aware Leader

Seven Habits of the Self-Aware Leader

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Leadership McKinley, class of 2018, shares seven must-do habits to move your leadership to the next level. Developing self-awareness and knowing your team means forging connections that count. Self-aware leaders are more effective because they foster communication and invite feedback, make efforts to inform themselves and others, synthesize ideas, and take action.

It’s TIME to become self-aware and move your leadership to the next level!

Part 1: Listening? Yes Please! Talking? They Say Timing is Everything!

Contributor Tammi Moe

People are the ultimate variable in all human relationships. The ability to work effectively between variables is the key to communication and building buy-in. People like to think they are good listeners, when in fact most people are not. Listening and ACTUALLY hearing others takes skill and practice.

Active listening requires you to leave your headspace and take on an external point of view. This can be quite difficult! Leaders are called upon to create solutions and solve conflicts, often times overlooking valuable input. When you realize that LISTENING is ATTRACTING you will find a new power!

The self-aware leader knows how to create familiarity and ultimately build trust by listening to others. You cannot foster a culture of success if you cannot foster trust. Knowing yourself and how others perceive you allows you to adapt to diverse situations and makes you more emotionally intelligent. Possessing a clear self-awareness ultimately makes an effective communicator who says the RIGHT THING at the RIGHT TIME!

What would you say is YOUR primary or default communication strategy up to this point?

Part 1 in a series of articles from Gallup-McKinley Chamber of Commerce Leadership McKinley class participants.