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Looking ahead to 2017

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Today is Dec. 16 and there are about two weeks or so left in 2016. Boy how time flies!

As 2016 draws to a close, let’s reflect on the year we are about to leave behind: Did you have goals? Did you reach or surpass those goals?

If you didn’t reach your goals, the bright side of the situation is that there is still some time left to achieve them, so don’t give up.

Many changes are ahead for us as a country. There is a new president and a new vice-president of the United States. No one knows where the newness of everything will take us, but of course we hope and pray for the best.

There will be a new county official in office come January with Bill Lee, president of the Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce and a former county manager, taking over for Tony Tanner. Lee is a people-person and is well-like by most folks around McKinley County.

No doubt about it, though: Change is definitely upon us. Change can be positive or negative, depending on how one chooses to deal with it.

It is a good thing that most people choose to accentuate the positive. That is, God blesses us everyday for being on the face of this Earth. For that everyone should give thanks.

Those who bring, share and create positivity within the community, without expecting personal gain or recognition, we salute you.

Let us continue to search for ways and resolutions to end negativity. Let’s move toward equality for all. We have to keep in mind that there are different strokes for different folks, and we have to, at the very least, have respect for everyone around us.

Have a good end of 2016 and make 2017 even better.

By Bernie Dotson