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Three N.M. Representative candidates receive ‘American Federation of Teachers’ support

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ALBUQUERQUE – On April 18, American Federation of Teachers New Mexico President Whitney Holland and American Federation of Teachers New Mexico Vice President for Political Education Sara Attleson released the following statement:

“Incumbent United States Representatives Melanie Stansbury (CD-1) and Teresa Leger Fernandez (CD-3), and candidate Gabe Vasquez (CD-2) are best suited to serve the citizens of New Mexico and have earned the endorsement of our union of public educators for the 2022 election cycle.

“During their collective time in office, Representatives Stansbury and Leger Fernandez have always put New Mexico’s issues at the forefront. We are fortunate to have their strong voices advocating on our behalf and each of these lawmakers have leveraged their expertise to confront issues close to New Mexico – like rural healthcare, protecting our wildlife and environment, and working to strengthen public education and labor – head on. Moreover, each maintains clear and open lines of communication between their offices and the constituents they serve and have been accountable for the votes they make on our behalf.

“Similarly, former Las Cruces councilor Vasquez’s values closely align with our own and he will be a strong voice in our federal delegation. We believe he is best suited to be ready on day one to meet the needs of the large and diverse Congressional District 2. Southern New Mexicans deserve better representation in Washington, and Councilor Vasquez can and will deliver for our working families. “Each of these candidates knows first-hand the value of a strong system of public education from birth through college or career, and that labor unions are the best pathway to achieving and preserving a strong middle class in our country. We know Melanie, Teresa, and Gabe will put New Mexicans first while serving in Washington, and our union will work to ensure they are elected to continue to work on behalf of our state.”

By John Dyrcz
American Federation of Teachers