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Deb Haaland calls out Trump – AGAIN – over Pocahontas remarks

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ALBUQUERQUE – On Nov.27, President Trump called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers at a White House Ceremony in front of a portrait of President Jackson, who led military attacks on Native Americans in the early 19th century.

Deb Haaland, who is running for NM-1 and would be the first Native American woman elected to Congress, released the following statement:

“I can’t begin to express how angered I am by the display of ignorance in our White House today. Once again, the President has distilled Native Americans down to a single name - ‘Pocahontas’ - and all to score political points at a ceremony to honor Navajo Code Talkers, in front of a portrait of President Jackson.

The President’s actions disgrace the history of Pocahontas, Native Americans, Navajo Code Talkers and all Native American Veterans who served and died for this country. His actions not only show his complete disregard for Native Americans, but for all Americans of different racial backgrounds. Disrespectful and hateful speech like this only serves to signal and embolden white supremacist groups tearing this country apart.

And, he did this to attack progressive U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has taken on the President at every turn. It is not up to President Trump to determine who is Native, and who isn’t. When it comes to people of color, his disdain and disrespect has been loud and clear.

Senator Warren fights hard on behalf of ordinary people – speaking truth to power every day. When Donald Trump insults her, he’s disrespecting all Americans. He’s targeting her because she’s so effective taking on big banks, heartless corporations and big-money Republicans. Warren will persist and so will I.

This isn’t the first time I’ve taken on Trump, and it won’t be the last. Join my campaign for Congress today so I can keep fighting for Native Americans to be heard and respected.”

Deb spoke out on this issue in 2016, the articles can be found on indiancountrymedianetwork.com and nytimes.com.


Deb Haaland is running for New Mexico’s First Congressional District seat, and would be the first Native American woman elected to U.S. Congress. As the first Native American woman to chair a state party, Deb led New Mexico Democrats in 2016 to flip its State House from red to blue, expand the Democratic majority in the Senate, elect a Democrat Secretary of State, and hand a decisive victory to Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

Deb is an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Laguna, and was the first woman elected to Chair the Laguna Development Corporation Board of Directors. She is a UNM Law School graduate and single mom to Somah, who recently graduated from UNM with a BA in Theater.

Learn more about Deb and her campaign at DebforCongress.com.

By Deb Haaland Democrat for Congress