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Lujan Grisham sends $57 million to support law enforcement recruitment efforts across the state

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Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced Sept. 21 that the state will allocate $57 million from two funds for law enforcement agencies to bolster recruitment and strengthen departments.

This money is on top of the $50 million allocated in 2022 supporting the governor’s initiatives to broaden law enforcement capacity by...

Finance Committee approves the Navajo Nation FY24 comprehensive budget

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The 25th Navajo Nation Council Budget and Finance Committee approved the Navajo Nation Comprehensive Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 on Aug. 31, through Legislation 0214-23, which funds direct services for elders, provides aid to veterans, supports public safety, supplements local government relief, and sets aside funding for future housing developments.

“Legislation 0214-23 is a product of the Budget and Finance Committee’s work with members of the 25th Navajo Nation Council through the standing committee oversight hearings. The committee took three weeks to listen to standing committee recommendations and to division directors and department heads,”...

Lujan Grisham releases statement on death of former N.M. governor

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Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson passed away on Sept. 1. He was 75 years old.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham released a statement about the former governor's passing:

“New Mexico, our country, and, frankly, the entire world lost a champion today. Bill Richardson was a titan among us, fighting for the little guy, world peace, and everything in between," Lujan Grisham said.

She spoke about what Richardson accomplished for the state of New Mexico.

“He was a visionary who saw the potential of our great state before so many others did. He saw us taking on Hollywood and reaching for the stars, launching both the film and space industries that continue to reap significant...

Law and Order Committee discusses Diné Marriage Act, public safety

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TOHATCHI — The 25th Navajo Nation Council’s Law and Order Committee held a regular committee meeting on Aug. 25 at the Tohatchi Chapter House to hear two legislations and listen to the concerns of the community regarding public safety.

Officials from the Navajo Nation Police Department, Department of Public Safety and Department of Justice and Chapter Officials from Tohatchi were in attendance.

Legislation No. 0139-23, sponsored by Council Delegate Seth Damon (Baahaali, Chilchiltah, Manuelito, Red Rock, Rock Springs, Tsayatoh), seeks to repeal 9 N.N.C. § 2 (C) of the Diné Marriage Act of 2005, to uniformly recognize all marriages within the Navajo Nation and amend other...

Department of Veterans' Services Secretary steps down

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Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced on Aug. 23 that Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Donnie Quintana will step down effective Sept. 1.

“I appreciate Secretary Quintana’s work in his time at the Department of Veterans’ Services, and also his decision to step aside to allow for new leadership to accelerate the work of the agency,” Lujan Grisham said. “I am looking forward to launching a broad search for the next leader of the Department, who must deliver on that mission for the men and women who served our state and country.”

Quintana was appointed in January and was confirmed earlier this year.

Brig. Gen. Jamison Herrera, the Deputy Adjutant General of the...

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