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Clinton gets another NM superdelegate

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Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairwoman Deb Haaland announced in a conference call with the press that she will cast her delegate vote for Hillary Clinton next month in Philadelphia. She also outlined legislative races she felt the Democrats could win in November.

Haaland cited the results of New Mexico’s primary, where Clinton narrowly defeated Bernie Sanders Tuesday.

“Secretary Clinton leads in both votes and in pledged delegates across the country and New Mexico further confirms that she has won the confidence of the majority of voters,” Haaland told reporters.

Delegates will formally choose a Democratic nominee at the Democratic National Convention.

Haaland said she has already [spoken] to several organizers for Sanders and will keep her door open to them.

“I will make sure that I keep the conversation going and make sure that they are welcome to participate in making history here in New Mexico,” she said.

Haaland said she also personally spoke to Sanders and Clinton in the lead-up to the primary.

So far, no superdelegate has backed Sanders. Haaland is at least the ninth superdelegate from the state to support Clinton.

All five members of the congressional delegation announced their endorsement of Clinton earlier in the cycle. Democratic National Committee members Raymond Sanchez and Joni Gutierrez have expressed support for Clinton in the past, as has former DNC Chair Fred Harris.

DPNM vice-chair Juan Sanchez has not publicly said [whom] he will support.

Haaland said it was not her place to say if Sanders should exit the race, saying, “Only he can answer that question.”

Control of House, Senate

Haaland listed some races she said Democrats would win in November, taking seats from Republicans and taking back control of the House after two years of a Republican majority while keeping control of the Senate.

In other words, Haaland says the Democrats will be on the offense in many districts. She mentioned House District 4 where Glojean Todacheene takes on two-term incumbent Sharon Clahchaschilliage as one seat where Democrats hoped to gain.

“We’ll work very diligently to get that seat,” she said. “It’s a Democratic seat.”

She also mentioned House District 7 held by Rep. Kelly Fajardo. Fajardo faces Arturo Fierro in the general election.

“There are more Democrats in Valencia County than Republicans,” she said.

She also said she thought that Sarah Maestas Barnes was vulnerable to House District 15. Maestas Barnes faces Ane Romero in the general election.

On the Senate side, [Haaland] listed off Senate District 36 where Jeff Steinborn will face incumbent Lee Cotter, Senate District 10, where David Simon faces Candace Ruth Gold, Senate District 23, where Joy Garrett faces Sander Rue and Senate District 39, where Liz Stefanics will take on incumbent Ted Barela.

“Let’s face it, New Mexico is a Democratic state. For some reason a lot of these districts have gone the other way.”

Correction: Fred Harris also has supported Clinton.

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By Matthew Reichbach

NM Political Report