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You are here: News Politics Meeting Aug. 13 to determine District 1 County Commissioner

Meeting Aug. 13 to determine District 1 County Commissioner

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Democrats from McKinley County’s District 1 will gather Aug. 13 to nominate a new candidate for the County Commission, following the withdrawal of Ernest C. “Charles” Becenti III from the District 1 race.

Democrats from McKinley County’s District 1 will gather Aug. 13 to nominate a new candidate for the County Commission, following the withdrawal of Ernest C. “Charles” Becenti III from the District 1 race.

The meeting is open to all Democrats, and any registered Democrat living in District 1 is eligible to run for the job, but hopefuls are encouraged to pick up forms from the Democrats’ County Central Committee Chair Maryann Armijo and return them by Aug. 10.

Last-minute nominations from the floor of the meeting will be eligible for consideration by the district’s 61 members of the County Central Committee.

Becenti withdrew from the primary after the deadline for the county to submit ballot information to Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s office, so his name appeared on the June 7 ballot – and he won with 44% of the vote. He made his withdrawal official with a June 24 letter, leaving the seat open.

The nominating meeting will begin at 1 pm Aug. 13 at the Veterans Helping Veterans center, 908 E. Buena Vista Ave., and Armijo will call the nomination question at 2 pm.

For more information or to get forms for the seat, contact Armijo at (505) 870-1076.