
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Jul 17th

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You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor: GMCS’s behavioral problems are not racial

Letter to the Editor: GMCS’s behavioral problems are not racial

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Dear Editor,

I commend the Sun for your objective reporting on the front-page story “GMCS back in the hot seat.” You clarify the issue by presenting both sides without bias, a quality rarely seen in modern journalism reeking of tabloid sensationalism.

Claims of racism are very serious charges. Nowadays a person can lose their job and their life destroyed from just an accusation. If those charges of racism are fabricated and can’t be backed up with evidence, a vile and sometimes criminal condition known as “race hustling” is revealed. Race hustlers represent the very worst of racism; stoking fear and hatred in the name of racial sensitivity and fanning the flames of racial division where racial harmony and unity once thrived.

According to comprehensive international studies by the left-leaning World Values Survey, the U.S. was the most racially tolerant country in the world in 2008. That status has sharply declined. Since 2010 race hustling, hate crime hoaxes, identity warfare, and racial rioting in America have skyrocketed, enabled by a complicit mainstream media, academia, and Democrat Party rule.

“Police targeting Blacks” is an example of a racial claim not supported by evidence. The data clearly shows that Blacks have simply committed crimes at a far higher rate than Asians and Whites since the 1960s.

McKinley County is 80% Native. The notion that Superintendent Mike Hyatt and the majority Native staff of GMCS are discriminating against Native children is rather mind boggling.

However, Hyatt is white and race hustlers have a long history of demonizing “self-righteous whites” as racist villains, even accusing our business community of discrimination. Anybody who has worked in Gallup’s private sector knows that if you don’t give quality service to your primary customer demographic you will not survive in this competitive economy. If they discriminate it is by merit and content of character - very rarely by skin color. Same for our public schools.


Some 59 years of behavioral science data reveal that a high percent of dysfunctional behavior problems and mental illness in children originate in broken homes, more so than poverty.

The GMCS behavior issues aren’t much different than those in inner cities where exceptionally high numbers of children come from fatherless homes and government-dependent welfare recipients. The prevailing and convenient approach to societal quandaries in Gallup is to simply play the race card aka victim card and claim racial oppression.

The more complex solution based on decades of research is to confront the enablers of a multitude of counterproductive federal welfare programs which have been hell-bent on destroying the nuclear family which was so healthy and vibrant prior to 1964. Those enablers (and race hustlers) include the BIA, UNM, teachers’ unions, and our elected officials representing a Marxian-radicalized Democrat Party.

Joe Schaller
Gallup citizen