
Gallup Sun

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Letter to the Editor: Environmental health complaint

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Dear Gallup Sun,

Several years ago you were the only media outlet in town that would publish or report on five scientific studies I presented regarding environmental health dangers in our region which need to be addressed.

Here is my recent post on the McKinley County Grassroots Facebook page:

MCG, I often say the greatest threat to environmental health are environmentalists. After reading about the new Environmental Crimes Task Force in the Gallup Sun, I sensed another government fraud, waste of taxpayer money, and abuse of power.

I forwarded this email to several N.M. environmental officials and, not surprisingly, received no response. I then forwarded my complaint to Patty Lundstrom and George Muñoz. Once again, not even an acknowledgment. The Left could care less about the environment, and the impoverished bear the brunt of their reckless political agenda and virtue signaling:

My name is Joe Schaller. I have studied environmental science and green energy for nearly 50 years. As a Sierra Club activist in the 1980s I taught greenhouse gas theory to Gallup High School students as a substitute teacher. I’ll gladly put up my environmental and climate change knowledge/ expertise against anybody in New Mexico.

I have just read about your massive task force in the Gallup Sun and am hoping those responsible for the enormous environmental health problems in our region and all New Mexico can be held accountable and punished to the full extent of the law.

I’m sure your dozens of experts in environmental health are already well aware of the greatest global (W.H.O.) environmental health hazard as well as northwest New Mexico and likely the entire state as revealed by the extensive 2006 scientific study by Joseph Bunnell & Dine’ Environmental Institute.

*Indoor* air pollution from wood-burning (renewable energy) stoves creates a tremendous number of respiratory ailments – primarily young children and elderly in marginalized tribal populations. In Gallup the winter overflow of those ailments at Gallup Indian Medical Center provides our RMCH hospital a large amount of business.

The Navajo Nation has made it very clear for decades of the denial of electricity to thousands of households in our region, creating the massive environmental health crisis. The Bunnell study also revealed that *outdoor* air pollution was never much of a problem. Despite the N.M. state government’s awareness of this environmental pathology, rather than utilizing state funds to provide much-needed electricity to marginalized minority groups, they have actually chosen to declare a war on energy and shut down power plants in Prewitt and Farmington, thus further enabling the premature mortality of thousands upon thousands of impoverished.

The culprits who have turned a blind eye to environmental crises and human suffering while abusing taxpayer funds include the BIA (half a billion dollars annual budget in Gallup), USEPA, N.M. Environment Dept., and above all, the creators of the N.M. Energy Transition Act. Environmental justice demands these entities be investigated for crimes against humanity and punished accordingly.

James Kenney says, “we will find you and prosecute you.” I have read your list of broad, generalized crimes to address, yet oddly enough neither denial of electricity access nor indoor air pollution are included. How can that be?

If the Environmental Crimes Task Force chooses to ignore the science which has been swept under the rug by political radicals, I would certainly include you on my list of those to be investigated. There appears to be dozens of you. Positions of power come with responsibility. You might want to dig into the motives of your bureaucratic peers.

I have written extensively (ConservaLexicon Glossary) and offered my expertise on these matters for decades, yet the woke environmentalist-media-bureaucratic complex (the establishment) seems to feel threatened by scientific method.

As my civic duty I offer you my services at no charge. I’m easy to reach.


Joe Schaller

Gallup, N.M.