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Letter to the editor:: On gun control

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Well, more mass shootings this Labor Day Weekend 2021, as Miami Chief of Police asks Congress to do more about gun control, https://nypost.com/2021/05/30/miami-pd-chief-calls-for-tighter-gun-laws-after-concert-shooting/.

I think I can speak with some knowledge about guns and police since I served six years in the Air Force, four of which was a firearms instructor, and two as a Security Police Law Enforcement.  Make sure when someone tells you they were Security Police in the Air Force you ask them if they were Security Police or Law Enforcement there use to be quite a difference!  The LE do what most normal police do in the civilian world versus SP that guard resources.  Some branches of the military have career fields that are strictly LE like the Army MP’s.

Some branches like the Navy make it an extra duty like Shore Patrol, see Military Law Enforcement Career Options (thebalancecareers.com).  Of course, it’s been many years and they may have changed things. With 32 plus years in New Mexico as a certified corrections officer/police officer, I am also sure can also speak to citizens having firearms, included, but not limited to the dreaded AR-15.  Any Police Officer, Chief, Sheriff, or high-ranking Law Enforcement Official that does not think regular law-abiding citizens should have access to firearms or certain types of firearms should resign!

In plain English they want to be the only ones that have AR-15’s, high-capacity magazines, and want to know in advance before they contact a citizen if they have a firearm!  It took my chances over the years, I tried to be careful.  I tried to listen to their tone of voice, listen to what they said, and watch them hands! Tried not to put myself in a position where I could not take cover or move like hell!

Yes, I got shot at a couple of times, spit on, bit, and cursed like you would not believe!  Several times I pulled my gun, but never fired it. Used pepper spray a lot, maybe struck one person with a night stick, and tazed a young kid one time so he would not get shot by other officers.  I even managed to grab a gun out of that same kid’s hand years before that, so I guess I saved his life twice. He thanked me when I took him to jail and told me he would get even with the officer who beat up on him after he was handcuffed.

Why do some police want more guns control you ask?  Because of the stupid few idiots, they must deal every day that have NO clue what the words responsible gun ownership means!  For the many who break the law with guns and never pay for their crimes.  For the courts who keep letting them out so they can do it all over again.  For every time they ask for the serial number on a stolen firearm never written down or left lying around!

Mr. Harry L. Hall
USAF Veteran Retired Sheriff Lt