
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:15:02 PM GMT

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Sports Quiz

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  What Hockey Hall of Famer won four consecutive Selke Trophies for best defensive forward as a member of the Montreal Canadiens from 1978-81?

Bill Vukovich, winner of the Indianapolis 500 in 1953 and 1954, died in a crash while leading what race in 1955?

Name the 1990 sports comedy/drama film that starred C. Thomas...

Lady Bengals overpower Lady Patriots

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Star athletes of the week

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School: Crownpoint High

Name: LaDarius Robinson

Sport: Basketball

Grade: Freshman

LaDarius Robinson is known for his unwavering commitment to punctuality and eagerness for continuous improvement in practices and games. He is a good role model for his peers in maintaining the balance of academic excellence and pursuit of athletic growth. His positive attitude shines both on and off the court, contributing to a harmonious team environment.

School: Gallup High

Name: Aniyah Dahozy

Sport: Basketball

Grade: Senior

Aniyah is a hard worker and plays with a lot of heart. Academically, Aniyah is also one of the top students in her class.

School: Miyamura High

Name: Aubrey...

Lady Bengals double up the Lady Tigers

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Sports Quiz

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What American tennis player beat France’s Nicolas Mahut in the longest match ever played — lasting 11 hours and five minutes and played over three days — at Wimbledon in 2010?

What award, presented annually since 2009, honors the male or female soccer player judged to have scored the most “aesthetically significant” goal?

What American track and field athlete — who appeared on Season 17 of the CBS reality series Survivor — was stripped of her 2004 Athens Summer Olympics gold medal after admitting to using anabolic steroids?

Name the Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher — regarded as the best knuckleballer in Major League Baseball history — who played 24 seasons from...

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