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Wednesday, Jul 17th

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Never Too Late for Resolutions

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Maybe this column should have been written a couple weeks ago, but since I don’t personally tie resolutions to any specific date, this time will have to suffice.

It is at this time of year people world-wide like to celebrate by a reasonably strong desire to change the things they don’t like about themselves. Hopefully for the better, though circumstances being what they are, one never knows for sure.

My personal resolutions began with a visit in October to the V.A. Hospital that quickly evolved from sore knees to other long term problems. Before I knew it, I not only had eight weeks of physical therapy lined up at Enchantment Therapy here in town but also a prescription for Chantix to help me quit smoking. Plus another pill or two just to make the doctors’ day complete.

Now, I’m as far from being a fitness nut as anyone you can think of, but I soon found the exercise made me feel much better. Also I noticed my knees were not giving out on me as much as they had previously.

The Chantix worked marvelously, or should I say is working. The exercise has also been beneficial in more ways than being able to walk better. Both have now become a part of my new life, resolved, though the Chantix will soon be removed. Hopefully, since I have not suffered any withdrawal attacks, stopping the nicotine has now become easier after 58 years as an addict.

The exercise, at the opposite end of the spectrum, is something I look forward to doing. Whether at Enchantment, where I recently purchased a two-month membership, or at home, which I filled with exercise equipment, I find that I want to get into better shape.

I’m not a muscle man, nor do I want to be. Having lost just over 20 pounds during the last two months of 2015, I desire to lose another 20 or so and see if I can remember what I looked and felt like in 1968 when I finished basic training for the Army. I realize that I am going to be about 48 years older, so I don’t expect to climb mountains or do anything else considered crazy. I just want to feel better, perhaps drop down to a 34” waist on my pants and reduce my six-pack from the current 30 down to eight or 10.

Watching one of the instructors at Enchantment Therapy, as well as one of the younger clients there, also gave me incentives in the right direction.

William Nez is a 24-year old graduate of Wingate High School and Bethany College in Kansas. Nez ran Cross-Country and Track in college, indoor and outdoor. His slight build belies his inner strength, having a personal best of 4:37 in the mile and 29:47 in the eight-kilometer run. He is on-track for his certification as a Personal Trainer, as approved by the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Helping Nez with a physical fitness showing was 15-year old Stella Shoultz, a home-schooled student and swimmer. She specializes in the 100-yard Butterfly and has qualified to compete in New Mexico’s state meet later this year. Her best time in that event is 1:06.

Enchantment Physical Therapy is full of machines to help and guide you to better fitness, though Nez and Shoultz were limited in their demonstrations to ones that would make good pictures. Enchantment also works on Speed Training and clients never feel like they are being forced to compete against others in their training.

That’s not a slam against other gyms, just a note for those low-key individuals to keep in mind if they are in the market for physical training.

The championship game for the 72nd Annual Bengal Boys’ Tournament was played the way all games of similar importance should be played. Hard-fought, but clean, and extended beyond regulation by the use of overtime. Hats off to the Bengal boys, and kudos to the Grants Pirates for playing as well as they could on that particular night.

I missed that one, but will try to do better as district play starts up. And then, I hope to see you in the bleachers!