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‘The Son’ is a stilted misfire after Florian Zeller’s ‘The Father’

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Rating: «

out of ««««

Running Time: 123 minutes

This film from Sony Pictures Classics opens at theaters nationwide on January 20.

This season sees a lot of Oscar hopefuls vying to get attention and earn themselves coveted Academy Award nominations. Sometimes, these titles earn praise and go on to be major...

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 20, 2023

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Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD.There’s plenty to choose from this week in a wide variety of genres. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week or need to stay indoors, be sure to give one of these titles a try!



DETECTIVE KNIGHT: REDEMPTION: While most low-budget direct-to-disc action pictures don’t warrant sequels, occasionally a few come to fruition. This is a follow-up to the 2022 film Detective Knight: Rogue,  which followed a cop seeking vengeance for the shooting of his partner.

After finding himself in police custody for his vigilantism, the lead accidentally ends up in the middle of a...

American remake of 2016 Swedish comedy/drama ‘A Man Called Ove’ falls short

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Rating: ««

out of ««««

Running Time: 126 minutes

In 2016, the little Swedish comedy/drama A Man Called Ove came out of the blue and surprised critics. Based on a novel by Fredrik Backman, the simple tale of a grouchy, suicidal old man rediscovering his humanity became a massive hit in its homeland and earned Oscar nominations for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Make-Up Effects.

Now, the story has been reinterpreted for North American audiences. If you are not familiar with the original, A Man Called Otto is genial and warm-hearted. But somehow, it feels bland and pales in comparison to the 2016 version.

The story follows extremely unpleasant senior Otto Anderson (Tom...

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 13th, 2023

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Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. Now that the holiday season is over, things are getting busier once again with a variety of new releases in various genres. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week or need to stay indoors, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

THE FRIENDSHIP GAME: A group of teenagers attend a garage sale and purchase a strange object that is said to be a strange game. They are instructed to gather around the item and share their innermost desires with each other. If they can stay friends and get through the ordeal that follows, they win. It doesn’t sound like a fun time, but the kids decide to play anyway and...

‘White Noise’ is a mixed bag

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Rating: ««

out of ««««

Running Time:
136 minutes

This feature is now streaming on Netflix.

As 2022 came to an end, it certainly seemed as if there were a lot of grandiose (and lengthy) features striving to combine many elements and ideas into a cohesive whole. Based on a well-regarded book by Don DeLillo, White Noise attempts to combine comedy with personal drama, as well as elements from disaster pictures. Heck, it even throws in a dance number for good measure. It’s all a bit messy and the results are ultimately uneven, but at least there are individual sections that do work and a few fun moments to behold.

The film starts in 1984 and focuses on a charismatic but...

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