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Madame G guide to the stars Week of OCTOBER 28

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On Oct. 27 enjoy the New Moon. This is the time to think and consider your options. You may evaluate where you are and smile. You may also feel as if a pivot is in order. Madame G recommends that you let your voice roar and live the way you want. Don’t accept your own weaknesses. Speak up and let the world hear your voice...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of OCTOBER 14

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Madame G recommends you spend time enjoying the fall weather and the Last Quarter Moon on Friday, Oct. 18. This is the time to start new projects and enjoy. You have the ability to become who you’ve always wanted to be. You can do whatever you want if you really want it. But, you must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Be free and live well!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

At times it feels as if life is pushing you forward or bouncing you around in a washing machine. Anyone can become overwhelmed and tired of this constant back-and-forth. You’re not the only one. Instead of forcing yourself away from a certain subject, take a moment to evaluate your thoughts. Care for your...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of OCTOBER 14

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A Hunters Full Moon appears on Oct. 13. This intense moon is great for scouting and watching. Your emotional life may feel overburdened and heavy, but you can do incredible things if you try. Madame G recommends that you consider turning your turbulent emotions on their head. Remember, you are not all that you feel. Live the life of your dreams for real.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You passion and drive is intense and full of motivational energy. You can take the world by storm and lead the charge. But, what are your plans? What is the true source of your energy? You are lighting the way for everyone for the next two weeks. Live the life of your dreams and remember who you are.


Madame G guide to the stars Week of OCTOBER 7

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The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:53pm on Oct 4. This will provide an earthy balance to the tumultuous emotions of Scorpio’s water and Sagittarius’

fiery influences earlier in the week. You will focus on tangible emotional outcomes and safety. Madame G recommends that you spend time in nature and release pent up paranoia and anger. Learn to free yourself.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

What does your journey entail dear Aries? Your path is full of greatness and you will accomplish incredible things. You may not find the “Holy Grail.” But, you may discover the journey is worth more than the prize. For this reason, you’ll experience more joy in dabbling than putting all your effort...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of SEPTEMBER 30

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Enjoy a Libra New Moon on Sept. 27. This is the mark of new beginnings and the time to start new projects. Set intentions and goals that are important to you and don’t be afraid to focus on yourself. What you want out of life is important. It’s time now to pursue your dreams and goals with every inch of your being. Madame G wishes you well on your journey. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s up to you to be happy. You can’t live your life trapped in anger and despair. You get out of life what you put into it. Make a different choice. If you’re truly unhappy, you can make a change. Don’t lose faith in yourself. To be a good friend, you must first...

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