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Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF March 18-24

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The Sun enters Aries on March 20 and a Lunar Eclipse occurs on March 23. If that’s not enough to throw you out of sync, the time change will. Now is the time for clearing out clutter. You may feel forced to undergo a painful bout of maturity and refocus priorities. Where should your emotional energy go? Don’t waste a...

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF March 4-10

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Facebook launched new buttons in addition to the “Like” button. Reviews are mixed. It seems many users only wanted an “Unlike” button not emoticons. A New Moon ushers in a plethora of possibilities. Madame G words of wisdom: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Does your life feel like it’s running to the theme of Taxi Driver? If you find yourself staring in the mirror saying: “you talking to me?” You may want to stop and reconsider. Anger ignites faster than dynamite and bulldozes through mountains. If the obstacle is someone’s feelings you’re causing more damage than you realize...

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF Feb. 26 - March 3

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Leap year babies are shouting for joy. They’ll actually get to celebrate their true birthdays this week. Madame G suggests treating this extra day in February, as a starting point. Consider George Eliot’s words: “It’s never to late to be what you might have been.”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries your soul is full of fire, piss, and vinegar. You’re not molded from the virtue, patience. It’s in your best interest to seek out gainful activity. Heed these wise words from Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “We know what we are but not what we may become.” Choose wisely Aries lest the decision be made for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In Emily Bronte’s tragic gothic novel about...

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF Feb. 19 - Feb. 25

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Madame G was asked, when does a teenage daughter stops being terrible? The answer: when she’s cool enough for Disney. Today the Sun shines in Pisces. The sign of the fish goes with the flow, shows compassion, and works on the inner self. Take notice and head over to the Happiest Place on Earth even, if it’s only in your dreams.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s nearly impossible for Aries to go with the flow. Normally this is a good thing. You’re innovative and motivated. You get stuff done. But, your forceful nature works against you when life requires patience. And it often does. Take a tip from the Ancient Romans, never stand when you can sit, or sit when you can lie down. In...

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF Feb. 12 - Feb. 18

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A first quarter moon takes center stage on February 15. According to Dana Gerhardt’s blog The Moon Watching series, the quarter periods are not meant for resting: “Squares mean change—or you’ll fall out of rhythm with a turning world.” Madame G suggests changing strategies and working through conflicts. Hang on! It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You need purpose in your life. Without it you’re a wandering ship lost in the sea of time. Learn to manage your time wisely. Don’t seek fulfillment outside of yourself. You have everything you need within your soul. Practice living selflessly this week and help those in need. Be thoughtful towards...

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