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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G. Guide to the starsWEEK OF MAY 13 - MAY 19, 2016

Madame G. Guide to the starsWEEK OF MAY 13 - MAY 19, 2016

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Do you suffer from Paraskevidekatriaphobia? Unlike most western cultures, the ancient Egyptians revered the number13. They believed that human beings pass through 12 stages of mortal life while the number 13 passed into the realm of spirituality. Modern scientists believe that fear of 13 creates accidents and self-fulfilling prophecies of disaster. Madame G says: take fate into your own hands. Ditch the fear and create luck!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re soaring to new heights and accomplishing more than you expected. The restless fire of the Aries soul only ever cools to a lower flame and it ignites with little provocation. Consider focusing your drive with purpose and direction. Make your passion work for you, not against you. This is an excellent time to learn a new skill. Lao Tzu said the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Get moving.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Eclectic, best describes your personal style. You dance to the beat of your own drum. It may surprise you to learn that this may upset some people, including family. Compromise is not an evil word. It’s merely the acknowledgement that other people have feelings. Madame G suggests taking time to read quietly in the sun and smile. It’s going to be okay. Just breathe.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a fun day for you. Of all the signs, you love a good joke and revel in absurdity (well mostly). Madame G suggests treating Friday 13 like any other day. You’ve nothing to fear, but fear itself. As a person of good sense and sound judgment, you make your own luck and won’t fall victim to suspicions. But, you won’t test your luck either: no flying or stepping on cracks today. Have fun on Freaky Friday.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’ve a suspicious nature, and superstition, is just another part of the makeup. Often you appear overly rational, but that’s just to keep the critics at bay. You know something “else” is going on in the universe—you’re just not sure what. But, you know there’s something. Sit down and have a cup of chamomile. Enjoy a good book maybe read some Douglas Adams. Don’t forget your towel. If you need to add a little tinfoil for effect no one will judge you—to your face. Don’t panic!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’ve got some excellent projects in the works. Don’t let something trivial like a hip-replacement get you down. You’re just the bionic man in training. You’re eternal youth and optimism serve you well. It’s to your benefit that you pursue your dreams and goals relentlessly. You’re a credit to humanity. Take of yourself. Rejoice! Life is good.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

If you accidentally “butt dialed” a close relative at 4 am, giving them a near heart attack with worry—consider adding a passcode to your iPhone. It’s better security and you won’t terrify the family by calling very early on their day off. Make a minor adjustment and be on your way. Small victories are a good theme for the week. Minor adjustments over the course of a lifetime result in incredible things.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Some members of the zodiac are so suspicious of Friday the 13th that they refuse to travel or make important decisions. Take advantage of their silliness and make a few exceptional purchases. Although you may wish to avoid making very important decisions such as changing jobs or buying a car this week that doesn’t mean you can’t buy a new bag or wallet. Live it up!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’ve had an interesting month. The force of the Earth pulling you in different directions would enrage even the most even- tempered Scorpio (and none are even tempered). Though the emotions never quite reach the surface, the ripples above water show the trouble stewing below. Is it a crocodile, or gas? Some people will never know, and they’ll be glad for it. Most wouldn’t want to find out. You create your own luck. Live on!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You may have resentment towards a friend. Their life appears perfect on the outside. This angers your independent spirit that hates resentment or anything resembling conformity. Everyone has moments of self-doubt—it’s just a bad mood. Remember that when looking at someone’s life from the outside, you usually just see the surface. You rarely see the real struggles from within.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It’s fun to consider new ideas. But, you hesitate to act. You hoard ideas and own them before you act. Often by the time you do it’s very old news. If you have a favorite phrase it might sound like: “no one ever helped me.” But, no one ever will. You must help yourself by taking what you learn and taking action. Sometimes it’s better to act than do nothing at all. Fortune favors the bold!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Life is often full of surprises. Do yourself a favor and live a little. It’s up to you to enjoy your life and have fun. Take a job in a new city, start a business, or take a drive. If you don’t live now, then you never will. It’s not enough to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow” or next week or next year. The time is now.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your life may resemble a Telenovela right now. If it’s not one family member it’s another. If you don’t have an evil twin coming out of hiding or your former fiancé coming out of a coma to meet your husband of 20 years and 10 children—then it’s something else. Consider that you may start as much drama as you sense around you. Look for the common factor.