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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF MAY 6 - MAY 12, 2016

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF MAY 6 - MAY 12, 2016

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A New Moon enters Taurus on May 6. This will be a delicious experience. It’s time to rest and clean out messes. Taurus’ earthy energy encourages us to enjoy what we have. Take a long walk outside and smell the fresh air. Eat with gusto. Add only those items that provide you with happiness. Set grounded goals and take action. It could be as simple as eating an apple a day for health, or getting up 15 minutes earlier. Take on the world.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Did you overreact over someone else’s failure? Don’t worry they’ll forgive you. This is an excellent learning opportunity. You can’t operate under bad intel. Ensure that you have all the information before you make assumptions. Develop your mind and spirit. Learn to enjoy the moment and prevent ulcers. Take care of yourself and smile—life is good.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This New Moon is the opportunity you’ve been looking for. Madame G suggests setting goals that will help you achieve greatness. If you’re in school, develop stronger study habits. If you’re in business, set goals for growth. If you’re unhappy with your body now is the time to walk daily and eat more fruits and veggies. You don’t have to be a vegan to be healthy. Small steps over time produce the greatest results. Good luck!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Life is good. You know this. You’re ability to live life to the fullest is enviable. This is your time baby! You’ll love it. Get out and move. Walk to work and eat big, lovely, and delicious meals. Wake up and spring out of bed. Life is beautiful because it’s not guaranteed. Madame G suggests that we meet up for drinks and good food. Smile and live well because you never know who you might meet!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Wake up! I know you’re tired and it feels like life is dragging you down. Here’s a mental hug: you’re going to be ok! It’s not about winning and losing. Life packs a punch, but you’re capable of popping up and bouncing back. Relationships are tough, especially because you’re such a solitary creature, but love is the greatest feeling alive. Don’t let a moment of frustration destroy your life. You’ve got this!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’re an inspiration. Many appreciate your charisma and stamina. You accomplish only what some could hope for. Madame G believes your talents are great. Use your daily experience to inspire you and help those that may need it. You never know how many lives you’ll touch. Give more than you think you can and you’ll receive all of it back a million times.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an excellent time for a new goal Virgo. Is it time to go back to school? Are you following your purpose? You’re a master of several skills and you continue to expand them. But, don’t neglect your family. They need you. As you may have noticed, life is short. Reach out to the ones who really care about you. Don’t hide your emotions they may surprise you.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Your generous soul is capable of infinite amounts of generosity. People love you for your just nature and fine eyes. Take a moment from your busy schedule to enjoy this New Moon. It’s earthy and sensuous, all the things you love. Indulge in the best piece of chocolate that you’ve ever had. Enjoy only one piece, but let it be the best piece. Have the most intoxicating day imaginable and then have a better one.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You may have felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety lately. This may have “rattled” the Scorpio sense of control. As creatures of change, human beings are often tossed about. The Scorpio more than most is liable to come out reshaped as a Phoenix. Set attainable goals for yourself. Take steady steps to get where you want to be. You’ll get there.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

What is your purpose? It’s true that not all who wander are lost. But, those people usually have a purpose even if it’s not a tangible goal. You must make a conscious choice to live the life you want. Stop blaming others for your lack of success. The only one who can shape your life is you. Don’t take abuse, but don’t complain either. Get up and run towards your goals.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your fellow earth sign, Taurus, provides some much needed sensuality into your veins. Learn to let go of your anger. Your stubborn nature is an asset in your profession and life, but it’s usually a detriment in relationships. Learn to accept the flaws of others. You may want to delve into meditation. It’s a valuable tool for anyone including you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Own your actions. You may be dissatisfied with your current situation or relationship, but that doesn’t make the other person a monster. Ignorance is not just a state of mind it’s usually a state of being. You can read and learn to fill up your mind with more information. But, that doesn’t cure ignorance. You must also apply your knowledge and help others. You do more harm by shaming someone than trying to inspire or at least listen.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You’re a carefree spirit with the ability to fake calm when necessary. Most people assume your only state is “go with the flow” and you do. But, that doesn’t mean the tide doesn’t scare you. You’ve learned to evaluate yourself and develop a strong sense of self through letting go. You’re not in control. Madame G suggests taking that knowledge and passing it on.