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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF April 29 - MAY 5, 2016

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF April 29 - MAY 5, 2016

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Mercury goes into retrograde on April 29. Usually we expect the Universe to work against our energy while in retrograde, but not this time. This week is full of energy and strength. Taurus’ steady nature ensures that our efforts aren’t wasted. In fact, there’s a hint of destiny in the air. You’ll face challenges with composure and strength. Madame G suggests spring-cleaning. Keep what works and ditch the baggage.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may have received seemingly negative news about a job prospect. Maybe you’re facing a hiring freeze or salary cap. Whatever the case, consider this a blessing. You may have overlooked an opportunity in front of you. Perhaps now is the time to start your own business or live your life according to your own rules. Madame G says, go for it!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mercury is in retrograde and showering all the signs with luck this week. Steadiness and purpose will prove useful. When you’ve made a decision it’s best to stick with it. You may have regrets. But, when you stick with the path and look ahead you’ll eventually reach your goal. Good luck, not that you need it.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’ve been putting off something unpleasant and now is the time to deal with this issue. It may involve speaking with an unpleasant co-worker, family member, or another situation involving conflict. You can’t avoid conflict, but war isn’t always necessary. Instead of approaching the issue head on, do your best to remedy the situation peacefully. However, if it’s a matter of conscience or personal safety (or that of another) take action.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Life is full of unexpected surprises some good some not. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. This week, Taurus’ energy will connect you with the Earth. You may feel unexpectedly drawn outside and feel a need for a deeper spiritual connection. Madame G suggests you rid yourself of clutter and reexamine any hoarding instincts. Spring clean your living and office spaces. Make room for new items and positive energy.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You may experience a moment of melancholy over a terrible tragedy or painful memory. Acknowledge your pain. Don’t shy away from it. Lean on your loved ones. When they offer support take it. You don’t have to live alone or face anything by yourself. Share your thoughts with your community and friends. You may help yourself and many others along the way without ever knowing it. Blessings are coming your way!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Sometimes life comes at you pretty fast with twists and turns. Life may throw a hard hitting curve ball or a sad piece of news at you. At times, you may not know how to handle these experiences. You may even shy away from them. Madame G suggests looking life in the eye. Straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath. You’ve got this!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

You may hate the latest Spring fashions and the worthless parade of nonsense. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate style. This week, instead of accumulating more stuff look for the items that add a touch of personal flare. You know what it looks like. It’s the piece that puts a bounce into your step and a little sass to your walk. Go for it! You’re due for kudos, even if they come only from you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Remember Scorpio that slow and steady wins the race. This is true in investing and in life. Short sprints build a faster mile, but when you’re training for a marathon eventually you must run the distance. You don’t quit or let up. You’re relentless, but even you have limits. Keep steady and you’ll face the rewards this week. You’ll accomplish more than you ever imagined—you’ll even get the promotion and grades to prove it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As you plan ahead for the future you may want to include your family. They appreciate your stubborn independent streak, but it has its down sides. Nothing happens magically. If you want your kids to succeed, you must actively engage their minds with books, good food, and healthy relationships. You can’t expect any system to care for them better than you can. It’s time to take a stand.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Frustrations, life is full of them. You’re not the only one. Science has proven that complaining is actually bad for you. Constant negative mental feedback and verbalizing your complaints makes the situation worse — by making you unhappy. Consider that the next time you say something mean or negative. It’s hurting you and not the other way around. Instead, try looking for the positive. You’ve got to fake it till you make it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You may have some minor annoyances this week regarding your plans. Sometimes, the best strategies go astray. Often our visions for our lives are bigger than our ability or we get sidetracked: “life happens while we’re busy making plans.” The lesson is that you should enjoy each moment as it comes or you’ll miss out on everything as it comes.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Selfishness isn’t always bad. You should take care of yourself. But, consider what this means for your family and health. You may think that a drink every night is needed, but is it killing you? What about those luxury items that waste money? Consider investing in quality experiences rather than cheap thrills. Madame G believes a whole new world is waiting for you just around the corner.