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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Guide to the stars WEEK OF Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

Guide to the stars WEEK OF Jan. 29 - Feb. 4

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In the spirit of fun and Internet memes, Madame G suggests: be like Aquarius. The key characteristics of this Sun sign are: thoughtfulness, devotion, and understanding. Aquarians innovate wherever they work from fast food to state government. They don’t ignore good ideas. Aquarians are smart. Be like an Aquarian.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re determined, strong, and greatly admired. You’re also misunderstood. Your challenge, should you chose to accept it—RELAX. All good things come to those who wait. As people of action, anything passive strikes you as wrong. This year requires patience. You’ll get where you’re going, but don’t burn out before you get there.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your love life is looking up. Your challenge: don’t put up with more than you should. It’s not quitting when you’re looking out for the needs of children and yourself. You’re not a complainer. You know there are challenges and you accept them. Don’t give yourself a heart attack with stress and heartache. Suffering isn’t a virtue. Live a little.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Communication is your strong point it’s a significant aspect of your personality and Sun sign. Your challenge is learning the difference between articulating your feelings and over-sharing. It’s a tactic in negotiations to overwhelm the competition with information, but this tactic usually works once. Remember these wise words: “you can’t bullshit a bull-shitter.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re good at what you do and you enjoy it. But, sometimes other people have good ideas too. Your challenge is learning to work with others cooperatively. Believe it or not this is good. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Keep in mind the old adage, “many hands make light work.” You’ll be glad you shared the burden—it’s rewarding.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The theme for you this year is money. You’ll make it and save it, if you plan ahead. The force of your personality is usually positive. Your challenge: slow down and listen. Try to have patience for those with a seeming lack of talent and energy. Remember not everyone is as cool as you. Don’t be mean, and show respect. They may surprise you.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your opportunities are endless at the moment. Everyone is vying for your attention. Your challenge is to accept these opportunities and expand your horizons. Show no fear Virgo. You have the experience, talent, and drive to take on the world. It’s up to you to stand on your own two feet and run. Madame G foresees great things in your future.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Aquarius is a fellow air sign, but unlike you, their sign is fixed. Meaning they make well-informed decisions. You have difficulty picking a flavor at Baskin Robins. Yes, you’re indecisive and it’s not usually a problem. But, you may have noticed some strange disruptions with Mercury in Retrograde. Your balanced communication with friends and family was out of whack. There will be consequences. Stay strong and look forward.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Last week was a drag and it may have felt, as if all your plans were falling through. This week proves fruitful and you had a beautiful recovery. What a difference a day makes. Your challenge: don’t waste energy on anger. You’ve proved capable of withstanding the storm—the proper people have noticed. You’ve won. Don’t gloat openly. You may indulge in a small smile when you’re alone.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You’re a tough cookie and you know it. But, the ones you love have incredible influence over you. Your challenge is taking care of yourself while protecting loved ones. This is no easy task and yet it’s necessary for a healthy life. Sometimes you’re destructive, but now you’re acting self-destructively. Think before you act.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your global debut is near. You’re due for some accolades. Just remember to show up for your own rewards show. Your challenge is to stop working so hard. Enjoy the fruits of your efforts. The journey is important, but you should also look back and admire how far you’ve come. You deserve it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Show the world your positive traits. They require direction. Your challenge: don’t forget your humanity. Aquarius doesn’t ignore a global crisis even if it’s in another county or in Flint, Michigan. You’ve already calculated innovative ways to help and alleviate the problem. Wherever you are, be you, and take action.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Work has been tearing you down a bit and your relationships are deteriorating. Accept that not everyone will accept you, and that’s okay. Shakespeare said: “To thine own self be true.” Sure, that was the evil guy from Hamlet, but the words are still mostly true no matter who said them. You can only live for someone else for so long. Live for you and live strong.