
Gallup Sun

Saturday, Jun 01st

Last update12:52:45 PM GMT

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A pleasant day for baseball

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One of the many things that makes baseball so enjoyable is when Mother Nature cooperates and produces a beautiful day, like the one on Apr. 2 at the Sports Complex. Other factors also contribute to that lazy day feeling, of course: visiting with old friends, and new ones, too; the sense that there is no hurry to the game; the warm sun, not too hot with a slight breeze; watching the younger kids play; and naturally getting to see the home team win.

Conversations ranged from silly to serious reminiscing, with a little teasing thrown in every direction. The warmth of the day and the unhurried atmosphere contributed to a lazy feeling that not even the joy of watching the toddlers could disturb. The only time the stands came to life was when the ‘home boys’ made the catches, hit the ball, and ran around the bases with disciplined abandon.

Miyamura won both games easily, 11-3 and 8-2, which further contributed to the feeling of peace and contentment by the partisan crowd. One had the belief though, even had the games been closer, there would have been just as much enjoyment.

It’s not quite summer in Gallup, as we old timers will confirm. Great springtime weather is appreciated, early or late in the season. Baseball or softball is the excuse we mostly use to breathe deep, and sigh to ourselves with satisfaction; all is right with the world! It certainly was last Saturday.

Story and photos by Tom Hartsock

Sun Correspondent