
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:15:02 PM GMT

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June Arts Crawl bustling with activities Shop, listen to music or color the streets!

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According to Nitasha Manning, Arts Crawl Coordinator, the monthly festival is more than an event, it is a great way to build community and relationships. The June 13 event is all about exploring cultures through visual and performing arts.

“It’s a great outlet for alleviating stress,” Manning said. She encourages...

Reforming the Navajo government with prayers, people

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Norman Brown is not afraid of challenges and that is probably why he’s taken on the gargantuan task of returning the Navajo Nation government to the people.

And Brown knows that he’s not the first one to try.

But he knows that he needs to succeed where the others have failed because he truly believes that the Navajo Nation is running out of time.

Brown, who is originally from Chinle, Ariz., said he feels like he really had to choice in pushing for the restructuring of the Navajo government.

He lets out a long sigh, looks down at the floor for about a minute and then he looks intensely at the Gallup Sun reporter for about half a minute before speaking and carefully choosing his...

Native Veteran Profile: Navajo woman overcomes taunting, joins Army

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – If it wasn’t for her older sister, Helena Barney-Anthony, calling her a “crybaby”, telling her she was “too small” and saying she wouldn’t make it through boot camp, Angela Barney-Nez might not have joined the Army.

Army veteran Barney-Nez said that was her sister’s response in 1974 when she told her that she was going to join Army.

“I was wanting go into the Army in 1974 and I would have made it to Vietnam,” she remembered. “But when I told her I was thinking about joining the Army, she really just came out and said, ‘You’re too much of a cry baby. You’re not going to make it.’ And I thought, ‘Oh yeah! Oh yeah!’ And the more...

‘Gallup Reads’ a major success

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As the summer begins and school wraps up, it is not uncommon to find students, teachers and parents reflecting on what did or did not make the school year great.

The weather begins to warm up, students become children again, assemblies are held for the various extra-curricular activities and hard working teachers and staff get to relax for a couple of brief months before beginning to plan for the next school year.

One group of volunteers is taking a much deserved breather after instituting the Gallup Reads program.

For the first year ever, a group of volunteers joined Gallup Reads and each read to all of the  Kindergartners at Stagecoach Elementary three days of the week. Diana...

Entourage The Movie will Make Fans Happy and Entertain the Newcomers

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««« out of 5 Stars

Running Time: 1 hr, 45 minutes

It’s true. You do not need to have watched the HBO cult show Entourage  to be able to enjoy the film version of Entourage.

This is not a guess or an assumption as I never watched a single episode out of the eight seasons of the show and had no trouble keeping up with Vince (Adrian Grenier) and his bro/buddy support system. This is due, in most part, to the simplicity of the concept. Pretty boy makes it big and the City of Angels and brings his entourage (hence the name) along with him for the ride. There are parties, drinking and parties. And lots of girls. Wash, rinse, repeat.  Got it.

The movie finds Vince on the top of the...

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