
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Part of Gallup’s diversity: Land of Enchantment Opera

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Come enjoy, “30 Days of Opera,” right here in Gallup as The Land of Enchantment Opera open season continues through August 2.

Through the end of July, opera singers belt it out in downtown Gallup, at the McKinley Courthouse Plaza, prior to the Summer Nightly Indian Dances, starting at 6:30 pm.

The LEO features young...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup For July 17, 2015

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It’s a very busy week for Blu-ray and DVD releases with just about every kind of genre represented. That means we had better get right to the highlights. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure and give one of these titles a try.

Big New Releases!

Can’t Stand Losing You: Surviving The Police - Based on the book by guitarist Andy Summers (member of the famous 80s band The Police), this documentary details the group’s rise, breakup, and reformation a few years back. It features previously unseen footage and photographs from Summers. Reviewers weren’t all that enthusiastic about the movie, calling it too limited in perspective and safe in approach. They...

ANT-MAN Succeeds, But Also Suffers From a Few Tics

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Rating: «« and 1/2 out of 4

Running Time: 116 min.

Well, comic book enthusiasts, yet another Marvel Universe character has made the leap to the big screen. The superhero developed this time out is a somewhat surprising selection, with the film taking a more comedic tone than its predecessors. Ant-man is a decent effort that benefits greatly from a charismatic lead and good cast, although it doesn’t come without a few irritating tics.

Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is a thief and ex-con who wants to go straight and provide financial support for his estranged family. Yet, with a criminal record he finds it almost impossible to hold onto a job, and is lured back into burglary by his...

President Begaye, Vice President Nez issue proclamation, honor native youth

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—About 800 Native American youth from around the country, representing more than 200 tribes, converged upon the nation’s capital last week for two conferences aimed at empowering native youth.

The efforts to inspire these native youth were supported by the two top leaders from the Navajo Nation, especially with regard to native language revitalization and preservation.

President Barack Obama extended an invitation to the Begaye-Nez administration to attend the White House youth summit and support the Obama administration’s outreach to Native American youth.

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and Vice President Jonathan Nez were on Capitol Hill from July 6...

Gallup asking residents to conserve water

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The City of Gallup is asking for your help to conserve water and avoid mandatory restrictions.

As part of the Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project (NGWSP), the city soon will place the new Gamerco tanks into service that will create a much larger reserve capacity than currently exists. The existing pipeline has reached the end of its service life and will be replaced with a new larger pipeline as well.

The current connection to our system requires us to very closely monitor and restrict flows through the old pipeline until the switchover is completed in late August. The necessary flow restrictions will prevent the city from building its normal overnight reserves. Until the work is...

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