
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Jun 26th

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‘Vacation’ Re-do: A fresh take on a classic dysfunctional family

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««« out of five stars

The Hollywood Hills echo the sound of regurgitation. A collective yack heard round the world as they recycle every plot idea they can buy the rights to.

I have screamed, moaned and complained about this for years but there is no end in sight. I suppose my Klout score holds little to no leverage...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 31, 2015

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Welcome back to another look at highlights of what is coming your way on DVD and Blu-ray. Much like the last edition, the pickings are slim, but there are a couple of noteworthy releases both new and old.  So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure and give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

3 Hearts - Those with a taste for melodrama may be interested in this foreign-language romance tale from France. It follows a young woman who meets the man of her dreams, but fate pulls their lives in different directions. The heroine gets a shock a year later when she’s invited to her sister’s wedding, and discovers the groom is the man she...

Glory Days Restored: Ceremonial Rodeo Features Fun for Everyone

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Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial would not be complete without the historical rodeo that accompanies the Native dancing and artistry. Event coordinator Dudley Byerley has organized a rip-roaring event that is sure to entertain the masses.

The rodeo was nearly cancelled last year. Byerley said he received a call from McKinley County Commissioner Carol Bowman-Muskett and New Mexico State Rep. Patty Lundstrom, D-Gallup.

They asked him if he could take charge and make a rodeo happen. And he did. With only about six weeks to organize it, Byerley put together a decent rodeo that made money.

The rodeo budget was increased this year and Byerley reports that with support from the community...

Rodeo was a family affair

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When Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial was born it took on much of the excitement and fun that was found at fairs and Fourth of July celebrations all over the Southwest.  Many of these activities were open to everybody.

In the late 1800s some cowboys in either Arizona or West Texas, or both, decided to hold a contest to see which cattle outfit had the best group of hands.  It is said that the events were patterned after actual cowboy activities, but what ranch actually made their men ride bucking steers?  Every small town in the West soon had its own rodeo.

The contestants in these contests were not professionals who did nothing but rodeo, but working men who got together once...

Dust, sweat and bruises: ceremonial rodeo revives old time events

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From the rodeo news archives …

When the Gallup Ceremonial was started in 1922, it was seen as a program of traditional Indian dances as well as a showcase for Native arts and crafts.  But the Fourth of July celebrations held in town since Mr. Gallup went on down the tracks, had also featured a variety of races and a few rodeo events.

The sport of rodeo was just getting national attention at the time and few towns had arenas with permanent bucking chutes, regular rules, and profession riders and ropers.  In fact, they didn’t have ropers at all.  Who wanted to chase a frightened calf through the sagebrush?

For the most part the horses and steers—they hadn’t discovered the...

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