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This November, it’s up to New Mexicans’ to put on their capes and stand up to Diabetes

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ALBUQUERQUE – In recognition of November as American Diabetes Month, the American Diabetes Association of New Mexico reminds us that there’s a hero inside everyone affected by diabetes. An extension of the 2016 theme, This is Diabetes, the 2017 campaign will share the stories of people with diabetes and how their...

Pet Costume Contest with a cause

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Halloween is not only for humans to wear costumes. So do do pets. And the cuteness factor is off the charts

The 3rd annual pet costume contest pawed its way into Rio West Mall the night of Oct. 27, bringing pet lovers together for a cause. Whether dressed as a Bumble Bee, Wonder Woman, Beauty & the Beast, Duck Dynasty, Sleepy Hallow, and so on, each costume and contestant dazzled the audience.

The event was hosted by Rio West Mall and Four Corners Pet Alliance, which is a small nonprofit organization founded in 2015.

The money raised from the event goes into a fund for vaccinations, spay and neuter, and supplies for foster homes.

Director of Four Corners Pet Alliance...

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ emphasizes humor amidst the spectacle

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Rating: ««« out of ««««

Running Time: 130 min.

Believe it or not, Thor: Ragnarok marks the seventeenth film in the Marvel cinematic universe, which began only nine years ago. That’s an awful lot of superhero flicks and as someone who sees and reviews them all, it’s difficult not to feel a bit of comic book fatigue. Thankfully, I can report that the latest entry offers a fresh voice with a playfulness that makes it a very enjoyable experience. In fact, it’s the strongest of the three features involving the character.

This episode begins with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) returning to his home world of Asgard, reuniting him with his opportunistic and dangerous brother, Loki (Tom...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Nov. 3, 2017

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Hello and welcome to a  post-Halloween edition of highlights coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. And don’t need to worry if you don’t like scare flicks, because there’s a wide variety of releases both new and old covering many genres. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!


The Dark Tower - Based on the fantasy book series by Stephen King, this effort is about two individuals in an eternal battle for the fate of the universe. The lead is a heroic gunslinger tasked with saving the title building from a nasty force of evil that wants to destroy the tower and end the world. While the novels have a...

Groundbreaking Ceremony a ‘Sacred Commitment’

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Calling the dedication of the State Veteran Cemetery a “Sacred Commitment” to the veterans of northwestern New Mexico and parts of northeastern Arizona, New Mexico Dept. of Veterans Services Cabinet Secretary Jack R. Fox played a very large part in the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Veterans’ Cemetery Oct. 25.

The cemetery is just merely a dirt lot at this juncture with a flag erected that Veterans Helping Veterans raised, closest landmark is the McKinley County Juvenile Detention Center, 2105 Hassler Rd.

Fox delivered the welcome address to the large crowd, estimated over 500, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Fox also introduced the Miyamura High School Choir...

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