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Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Temper your typical Arian urge to charge into a situation and demand answers. Instead, let the Lamb’s gentler self emerge to deal with a problem that requires delicacy.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You are aware of what’s going on, so continue to stand by your earlier decision, no matter how...

Seven resources you can use to manage your mental health

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Are you having trouble finding places to get some assistance for your mental health?

Nowadays, many places have waiting lists, and some places can be very expensive. This can be very frustrating when you need help right away.

As a result, here are seven options you can use to start the process of getting some assistance as quickly as possible:

Contact your doctor: Your doctor is a great source in finding available mental health resources in your area. Explain your situation to your doctor and ask if he or she knows of anyone that can help you. Chances are your doctor will be able to give you some referrals.
Go to the nearest hospital: Your local hospitals can give you immediate...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Avoid having someone else take credit for a project that you started by finishing it yourself. Then it will be you lovely Lambs who will be wearing those well-deserved laurels.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The facts about a new opportunity are still emerging. Wait until they’re all out in the open, then use your keen business sense to help make the right decision.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might feel confused or even hurt by a friend who suddenly puts distance between you. If they won’t discuss it, don’t push it. An explanation should come in time.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) Your willingness to be part of a team opens doors that had been shut to...

How to convince someone to get help for their mental health

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There are many reasons why some people are reluctant to get help for their mental health or addiction issues.

In addition, many people are not sure what to do when encouraging someone to get the help they need for their mental health.

As a result, here are seven suggestions on how to convince a person struggling to get some assistance.

 Talk to the person instead of talking at them: Nobody wants to be lectured or yelled at. The person who is struggling is scared and they need help in overcoming their fears and resistance to getting some guidance. Treat others the way you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed.Find out why the person won’t get help: Ask the individual...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Be careful about doing someone a favor when you don’t know the full story behind the request. Don’t rely on someone’s unsubstantiated assurances. Insist on all the facts before you act.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) That workplace problem still needs your attention before you can finally close the book on it. Meanwhile, a long-anticipated reunion gets closer to becoming a happy reality.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might be demanding more from others than they can give. Best advice: Have a long and frank talk to determine what the facts are. Tensions should abate as the week winds down.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) Aspects are favorable throughout...
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