
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Conservative investors’ approach to retirement planning

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Longevity risk, the possibility of outliving one’s financial resources, is a significant concern for conservative investors, particularly those nearing or at retirement age. As a retirement planner, addressing this risk is vital to ensuring my clients a secure and comfortable retirement.

The concept of longevity risk is...

Cat’s scratching may be allergies, or something more

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DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat, Buster, has been scratching under his chin for days, and the skin underneath the fur there is getting raw. What is causing this, and how do I stop the scratching and treat the injured skin? — David G., Buffalo, New York

DEAR DAVID: It’s clear that something is aggravating your cat and causing him to scratch in just one spot. The problem could be dry skin — not unusual for pets or humans in the middle of winter — or allergies. It may also be an infection, a parasite (mites or ringworm) or an allergic reaction to fleas.

If the area that Buster is scratching is not infected, you can try a few home remedies to try to relieve the itching. Oatmeal, cooked...

New Mexico needs a strong match fund to unlock rural opportunities

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could unlock new job opportunities, investments in wind and solar energy projects, improving internet connectivity, better roads and bridges, and access to clean water in rural homes, communities, and businesses across New Mexico? As the Mayor of Gallup, this vision is a long time in the making.

And now, the New Mexico Match Fund or House Bill 177, backed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, State Representative Meredith Dixon, and many others, could bring this vision to fruition and help us access major federal investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. This will help my community, as well as every corner of our...

Letter to the Editor: HB 41 would improve air quality

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Dear Editor,

Since progress on the federal level has been lagging, it has led more states to try and do their part to reduce both air pollution and cut carbon emissions.  Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has made improving New Mexico’s air quality an increasingly high priority and is positioning New Mexico to become a leader in clean energy.

This year, the governor might have the chance to sign a bill into a law which will both improve New Mexico’s air quality and reduce the effects of climate change.  This Clean Transportation Fuels Standard (HB 41) incentivizes companies to produce cleaner transportation fuels, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve New Mexico’s...

Five steps to get more humanitarian aid into Gaza

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Sen. Heinrich urges Biden administration to work with Israel

WASHINGTON D.C. — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., joined U.S. Senators Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism, Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Chris Coons, D-Del., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and 20 colleagues in a letter to President Joe Biden urging the administration to encourage Israeli officials to take five specific steps to significantly increase urgently needed humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza.

“The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is dire and the civilian suffering is at an unacceptable and staggering level...

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