
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Put that restless Arian surge to good use this week by preparing your winter-weary home for spring. Also, be more flexible about accepting a workplace change.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your well-known ability to be patient is challenged as you wait for more news about a promising opportunity...

Don’t miss this prefix primer

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I’m doing the best I can over here. I’m proud to say my wife and I have been married for 16 years, but I still have plenty to learn (understatement of the century).

When it comes to addressing a woman, we have several prefixes to choose from. I previously investigated “Mr.” and “Master.” Today, we’ll tackle how to address women formally.

As a born and bred Okie, I still call an elder female “ma’am.” This polite way to address a woman comes from the Old French phrase “ma dame” (my lady). Ma dame became “madam,” and then, as it often does, the word got shortened. Generally, madam (or ma’am) was used to address a married woman.

Let’s talk about the term...

FDA needs to tackle opioid epidemic

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Heinrich leads bipartisan letter urgency agency to step up

WASHINGTON D.C. — U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich, the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, along with Senators Mike Braun, R-Ind., Ed Markey, D-Mass., Angus King, I-Vt., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., led a letter to the Food and Drug Administration urging the agency to include Medications for Opioid Use Disorder, specifically buprenorphine and methadone, in its List of Essential Medicines, an action that would significantly help health care providers address the ongoing opioid epidemic.

In the letter dated Feb. 9, the lawmakers...

Republicans claim to want border security

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What they really want is to help Trump

Why did Republicans jump to oppose a bill that would deliver exactly what they claimed to want? Because former President Donald Trump told them to.

New Mexico has a front-row seat to our country’s broken immigration system. Every day, we see the real-life consequences of that broken system on families and communities. The solutions aren’t easy, but they also are as clear as day.

We need to tackle the huge backlog for lawful immigration, so it doesn’t take years for a person’s paperwork to be processed. And we need to invest in smart border security technology that better detects and stops drugs like fentanyl before they get into our...

Crisis response jeopardized

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Dear Editor,

Did you know that vacancy rates in 911 dispatch centers and police agencies are, on average, more than 20%, and 10% of those employed have not yet been certified (required training), threatening local 24/7 emergency response?  These conditions increase response times, and public safety staff may arrive exhausted due to long shifts.  We can't effectively address crime under these conditions.   Senate Bill 13, entitled "Public Safety Recruitment  Bureau," sponsored by Maestas and Sczczepanski, is stalled in the Senate Rules Committee despite a good deal of legislative support.

SB 13 provides funding and innovative solutions, including a media campaign to reach youth...

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