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Financial advice

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What is a self-directed IRA?

“Stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach.”– Tony Robbins

One of the most significant pieces of financial legislation enacted in the last 50 years was The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

ERISA directly responded to the realization that most...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Rumors of a change in the workplace could make you a mite uneasy about going ahead with implementing your ideas. Best advice: Ignore the talk and proceed as planned.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Everyone has an opinion on how to handle a recent business suggestion. Thank them for their advice, then go ahead and follow your own fine instincts.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) While home is your main focus this week, new issues in the workplace need your attention as well. Take things step by step. Pressures will ease in time for weekend fun.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) Be less rigid when handling a relationship problem. You might believe you’re in the right, but...

Heinrich addresses first-ever ‘Electricfy New Mexico Event’

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ALBUQUERQUE — During the week of April 1, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Electrification Caucus, provided a video keynote speech to the first ever Business to Business Electrify New Mexico event hosted by Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico.

“Very soon, most of us will power our cars, heat our water, and heat and cool our homes with clean electrons rather than hydrocarbon molecules,” Heinrich said. “This will not only help us meet the moment and achieve our climate goals. It will help working families in our state lower their costs and live in healthier...

By Paige Knight, MPP Deputy Policy Director for New Mexico Voices for Children

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This Tax Day we all have much to be thankful for as we consider the bounty of public goods and services that are made possible with our tax dollars. These include a school system that offers a free education to every child, the roads and other transportation infrastructure that make it possible for us to move about our cities and state, the first responders who keep our communities safe, no- or low-cost health care coverage for a majority of New Mexicans, our plentiful parks, libraries, museums, and so much more.

This year, we have even more to be thankful for. That’s because in the last few years our state has made the most improvement in the nation in making our tax system more...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) New opportunities spring up for the Arians. Kick up those heels and go, go, go for them. Remember, someone special will be rooting for your success

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Indulge in your love of beauty. Buy something marvelous for your home, then plan a romantic dinner at a special place with your special person.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your diligent search for the truth pays off. You can now go ahead and make a decision fully armed with the facts. But expect some resistance to your plans.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) Travel is favored, but be prepared to be flexible in planning your trip. A family situation may cause you to delay your original...

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