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Monday, Jun 17th

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Do you want green sauce or red sauce with that?

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“If you are within a couple of years of retirement, you will want to know the answer to this critical question.”- Lawrence Castillo

‘Layin’ it on the line’

Here in New Mexico, it isn’t unusual for someone ordering Mexican food to be asked, “Red or green?” In fact, “Red or green?” was adopted as the...

Luján opines on Biden’s State of the Union speech

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Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., issued the following statement on President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union speech:

President Biden’s first State of the Union speech sent a clear message that the United States stands with the people and government of Ukraine in the face of an unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion.

Members on both sides of the aisle showed their support for the president’s plans to hold Russia accountable and provide aid to Ukraine. From closing our airspace to Russian planes to creating a task force to go after Russian Oligarchs’ assets, tonight President Biden showed the world that American diplomacy matters.


How are inherited annuities taxed?

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“It’s fantastic if you inherit an annuity, but you need to understand the tax implications and how to make them more favorable.” – Lawrence Castillo

‘Layin it on the line’

You cannot escape taxes if you inherit an annuity. Fortunately, though, understanding how inherited annuities are taxed can help you avoid paying more in tax than necessary. Your beneficiary status and how the payouts are structured determine tax liability for inherited annuities. You can do a few things to ease that tax burden and perhaps defer payment.

For instance, if you are a surviving spouse inheriting an annuity, you have a few options. You can choose to pay taxes on all the money right now or...

Stock index: How history may make you a smart investor

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“The best way to measure your investing success is not by gains and losses but by whether you’ve improving your overall financial plan that is likely to get you where you want to go.”- Lawrence Castillo

‘Layin it on the line’

On the most fundamental level, there are two different approaches to investing in the stock market: active and passive.

An active investor, relying on his or her personal skill, attempts to beat the market by investing in companies believed to have the most reliable long-term growth prospects. Such an investor may try and beat the market by jumping in and out at precisely the right times to maximize gains and avoid losses.

Passive investors, on...

FOG urges Sen. Luján’s office to release more information on his health following stroke

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The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government (FOG) joins U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján’s friends and constituents in wishing him a full recovery from his recent cerebellar stroke and subsequent surgery. And, of course, our thoughts and well wishes extend to his family.

News of the stroke he suffered days ago shocked all of New Mexico and the nation. Sen. Luján has worked for years for the progress and advancement of New Mexico. He has been a friend to New Mexicans as he continues the tradition of service begun by his father, late New Mexico House Speaker Ben Luján.

Welcome news from Sen. Luján’s Chief of Staff reports the Senator will make a full recovery. Support from both...

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