
Gallup Sun

Saturday, Jun 29th

Last update02:15:02 PM GMT

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Is your money prepared for the next pandemic or recession?

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Are you and your money prepared for the next pandemic or recession?

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic downturn took pretty much everyone by surprise. Are you ready for the next crisis?

Most Americans were caught off-guard by the swiftness with which the COVID-19 pandemic arrived and the economic disaster it...

What’s your word for 2023?

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Many people focus on one word to guide them through the next year. Is this something you do? If so, you might want to make sure it’s the correct word. While I don’t recommend choosing any of the following words to usher you through 2023, you certainly don’t want to get these confused!

When something “topples,” it means that an item falls over. Similarly, if a government gets “toppled,” that means the people in power get overthrown by another group. On the other hand, if a government gets “topless,” that means they had too much to drink at the New Year’s party and took their shirts off.

If you take your shirt off, are you likely to see “muscles” or...

Letter to the Editor: Environmental health complaint

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Dear Gallup Sun,

Several years ago you were the only media outlet in town that would publish or report on five scientific studies I presented regarding environmental health dangers in our region which need to be addressed.

Here is my recent post on the McKinley County Grassroots Facebook page:

MCG, I often say the greatest threat to environmental health are environmentalists. After reading about the new Environmental Crimes Task Force in the Gallup Sun, I sensed another government fraud, waste of taxpayer money, and abuse of power.

I forwarded this email to several N.M. environmental officials and, not surprisingly, received no response. I then forwarded my complaint to Patty...

A primer on nice-sounding words, names

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There’s a subreddit page I like to visit called r/eyebleach. It essentially gives your eyes a break from scrolling through cynical and often disturbing Reddit entries by showing photos of kittens, baby otters, and puppies doing funny puppy things. The page has 9.4 million subscribers.

Our eyes and brains all need a respite from bad news, polarized politics and 2 am doomscrolling. But, what about our ears?

There’s a term I love for synonyms that sound more pleasant than similar words: euphonyms. A euphonious word is a word that is pleasing to the ear. C.S. Lewis posited that the most pleasant-sounding term was “cellar door.” Others have their preferences, but I like cellar...

Should you have debt when you retire?

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Unless your parents made some weird deal with the hospital, you were probably born kicking and crying, but debt-free.

You would have remained that way in a perfect universe, spending most of your life as solvent as possible. Then you would skip blissfully into retirement without being shackled to a boatload of debt. You’d have a million in your 401(k), maxed-out life insurance policies, and guaranteed Income from annuities.

However, the reality is different for most pre-retirees and retirees. Life has its own plans, and sometimes it goes off the rails. Even the best-planned people can end up underwater, sideways, and paying lots of unexpected bills.

According to financial...

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