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How does an annuity company invest the funds?

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An annuity is a financial contract in which an insurance company agrees to make periodic payments to an individual, usually in exchange for a lump sum payment or a series of payments. The insurance company then invests the funds from annuity holders to generate income to pay out future payments.

There are several ways...

What’s my name again?

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Names hold enormous power. I’ve always been impressed by people who go by names with only one word — Cher, Beyoncé, Prince, Madonna, Bono, Beck, Banksy or Pelé come to mind. These one-word names are called “mononyms.”


Add Plato, Aristotle, Fergie, Fabio, and Coolio, and you’re looking at quite the lineup of mononymous people. If you’re not singing “mononym” to the Muppet tune of “Mahna Mahna,” you will be by the end of this sentence.


You probably know about pseudonyms. These “pen names,” “noms de plume,” or even “aliases” are the names authors use for a particular purpose. Classic examples include Dr. Seuss, Mark Twain and Mrs. Silence...

Support children’s health through the Public Health Climate Resiliency Act

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In the Land of Enchantment, families should be able to enjoy our state’s natural beauty without worrying about whether worsening environmental conditions will harm their children’s health. Unfortunately, children are especially vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, which include extreme heat, poor air quality, drought, flooding, and wildfires. However, this legislative session, lawmakers have the opportunity to protect New Mexicans from these threats to public health by passing the Public Health and Climate Resiliency Act, thereby ensuring a healthier, brighter future for New Mexico children.

The Act – HB 42 and SB 5, sponsored by Rep. Liz Thomson and Sen. Liz...

What is an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?

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"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." - Kalu Ndukwe Ka

Created to own and control a life insurance policy or policies while the insured is alive, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts are tools that are sometimes recommended by estate and planners. ILITS also manage and distribute proceeds from a policy when an insured dies.

ILITS have three components: a grantor (creator of the trust), a trustee (manager of the trust), and a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are those who receive the assets of the trust when the grantor dies.

When insurance benefits are paid out upon the grantor's death, the...

Throwing the book at Captain Hook

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Before I slash at Captain Hook’s character, I want to say this: if I could grow a twisty mustache like Captain Hook, I would absolutely do it. I wouldn’t give up my hand for a boss pirate mustache, but I might be willing to give up the family dog.

We hear this one all the time: “I feel badly because Randolph lost his job at the pro shop.” In an effort to have better grammar, we can often make it worse. So let’s figure out why the correct phrase in the above instance should be “I feel bad.”

The key here is knowing the difference between action verbs and linking verbs.

It seems rather obvious how to identify an action verb: it does something active. Active verbs...

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