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Inflation, longevity, market volatility

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In the ever-shifting economic landscape, modern-day retirees face a trio of formidable adversaries — inflation, longevity, and market volatility. While these factors are unavoidable realities of the financial world, understanding them and deploying effective strategies to mitigate their impact is critical. One such...

Oil, gas cleanup could cost state $1 billion

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New BLM reform may reduce that number


From a young age, we teach our children the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and cleaning up after themselves when they make a mess. We should expect the same from the oil and gas industry working in New Mexico.

But for far too long, antiquated policies under the current leasing system have left our families on the hook to pay to clean up messes left behind by bankrupt oil and gas companies – messes involving orphaned wells with decaying and leaking infrastructure that can pollute our air and water. This has robbed our communities of tax dollars that could have been put to use improving our children’s classrooms, and...

Investigating fictional faceoffs

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Let’s talk rivalries. Everyone has an opinion on Coke versus Pepsi. How about werewolves against vampires? Do bears beat Battlestar Galactica? Hufflepuff or Gryffindor? DC versus Marvel? There are so many good matchups to entertain.

In this case, we need to think about snakes versus pirates. Why in the world do we need to play out this battle?

First of all, I know my friend Byron is going to read this and he hates snakes, but his favorite baseball team is the Pittsburgh Pirates. Secondly, we can clear up a big grammar gaffe by thinking about pirates and snakes. It’s time to talk about “there is” and “there are.”

Increasingly I’ve heard people throwing around “there...

Consider health planning when thinking about retirement planning

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You may think that retirement is a long way off, especially if you’ve recently changed jobs, started a family, or are sending children to college. While planning for retirement may not necessarily be at the top of your list, it’s definitely something to think about.

How concerned should I be about health care retirement planning?

Health benefits are normally worth thousands of dollars and, as such, protect you against financial risk in case of illness or accident. While it is easy to take health benefits provided by an employer for granted unless your company provides full retiree health benefits, once you retire, you’ll need to figure out how to cover these costs or a portion...

Heinrich, Luján, Markey urge FCC to enforce regulations to prevent robocalls

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U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., and Edward Markey, D-Mass., sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission on Aug. 10 urging the Commission to enforce its existing regulations regarding consent for receiving telemarketing calls (robocalls). This letter was signed by U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Peter Welch, D-Vt., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Angus King, I-Maine, Richard Durbin, D-Ill.,  Mark Warner, D-Va., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Gary Peters D-Mich.

The letter also asks the FCC to issue guidance along the lines of the FTC’s recent Business Guidance restating the FCC’s long-held requirements for these unwanted...

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