
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

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Sen. Munoz: the ‘Economic Freedom Index’ is a valuable resource

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Our local Senator George Munoz made it clear last year that our myriad of local vagrancy, alcohol and poverty problems, which have only become worse after decades of the same progressive statist approach, should not be a “blame game”but should be about solutions.

His solution is to keep the status quo. The voters of...

Time to man up and get your check up

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New Mexico Dept. Of Health

Fact: We guys tend to try being too manly for our own good. Remember a couple of weeks ago when singer Enrique Iglesias sliced his hand on the blades of a drone flying over his concert stage? Consider that Exhibit: A.

The man actually continued to perform for half an hour with a blood‐soaked t‐shirt wrapped around his hand before deciding maybe he needed to see a doctor.  Turned out it was more than a cut. Iglesias broke his hand and required reconstructive surgery from the blade slices.

Here’s another fact: according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), men are 24‐percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within...

Dear Editor:

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Thank you for your publication of the valuable stories about the Jim Harlin Community Pantry.

The first story about the HOPE Garden grants credit to Youth Conservation Corps.  I am the long-time director of that excellent City of Gallup sponsored youth workforce program.  Over 15 years, Gallup YCC has completed a number of worthwhile projects of durable community benefit with a trained, equipped, supervised, and paid youth workforce recruited from our community.

Corps members are appropriately proud of all their work –adventure trails, safe routes to school, gardens, restoration projects.  Gallup YCC built the Brickyard Bike Park alongside City Parks & Recreation workers and...

guide to the stars WEEK OF June 12-18

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Blame the stars! It’s roasting outside and you’re still ordering your lattes extra hot. You’re still sporting leather riding boots and a lightweight coat. You feel great, but your friends look at you a bit oddly. I call it the contrary star and you’re under its spell. No need for concern though, but gently push yourself into summertime before you get heatstroke.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Feeling naughty this week? It’s okay to have an edge, to have a little fun by playing practical jokes on those closest to you. Perhaps you convinced your young nephew Tommy that monsters in the TV really exists. You feel like you’re the fun uncle or aunt, but the...

Accept blame Sen. Munoz: Provide bold, new solutions

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While addressing Gallup’s vagrancy problem at a public meeting last year our state senator George Munoz proclaimed “This is not a blame game, we need solutions”. My initial thought was, how can any solutions be offered without first knowing the root cause? My second thought was, those who avoid the blame game are usually part of the problem.

Whatever the solutions are to our region’s myriad of problems it should be obvious that everything we’ve tried thus far has been a colossal failure. Yet, the same old solutions are proposed over and over again by our Gallup Establishment consisting of elected officials, bureaucrats, public schools, academia and local media.

Gallup and...

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