
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

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Gee whiz! Let’s bring back these nifty ‘50s slang terms

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The 1950s were a wild time. Everything was in black and white, there weren’t any footprints on the moon and no one had even heard of Taylor Swift. Can you imagine what that must have been like?

Although some things from the 1950s are long gone, the decade’s slang terms live on. Let’s take a look at some notable...

Letter to the Editor: GMCS’s behavioral problems are not racial

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Dear Editor,

I commend the Sun for your objective reporting on the front-page story “GMCS back in the hot seat.” You clarify the issue by presenting both sides without bias, a quality rarely seen in modern journalism reeking of tabloid sensationalism.

Claims of racism are very serious charges. Nowadays a person can lose their job and their life destroyed from just an accusation. If those charges of racism are fabricated and can’t be backed up with evidence, a vile and sometimes criminal condition known as “race hustling” is revealed. Race hustlers represent the very worst of racism; stoking fear and hatred in the name of racial sensitivity and fanning the flames of racial...

The critical trio of life expectancy, health care costs, retirement risks

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When it comes to preparing for retirement, a holistic approach is imperative. As you map out your golden years, three pivotal considerations stand out: life expectancy, health care costs, and retirement risks. Each plays a significant role in ensuring you have adequate funds to support a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Let’s delve deeper into each.


In the 21st century, thanks to advancements in medical science and healthier lifestyles, people are living longer. That’s great news, but it also means we need to plan for extended retirement years.

Understanding the Numbers: The average life expectancy continues to rise. In many...

New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority’s Restoring Our Communities program helps to restore vacant houses, provide affordable housing

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The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority launched its Restoring Our Communities Program Sept. 1 to help meet New Mexico’s need for affordable housing units while assisting communities in reducing vacant and abandoned houses that decrease property values. Homeowners within close proximity to abandoned homes can pay higher insurance premiums as well.

“By implementing this much-needed program, our goal is to help our fellow New Mexicans get into affordable homes, while at the same time, improve and strengthen communities by eliminating houses that are vacant or have been abandoned,” Isidoro Hernandez, MFA Executive Director/CEO, said.

The ROC program provides funding to approved...

Heinrich welcomes creation of American Climate Corps.

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U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., Vice Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus and the first AmeriCorps alum to serve in the U.S. Senate, welcomed President Joe Biden’s launch of the American Climate Corps, which will put more than 20,000 young people on skilled trades career pathways in the growing fields of clean energy and climate resilience.

“As the first AmeriCorps alum in the Senate, I have been calling to create a Climate Corps for years,” Heinrich said. “There is a lot of work to do to solve climate change and build our clean energy future—young Americans are eager to be the heroes in this story. We need to invest in providing them the training and...

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