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Arguing Trump’s harsh immigration policies

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RE: The “Zero Tolerance Policy (ZTP)” of the Donald Trump administration in regards to the purported national immigration crisis.

The numbers of people impacted are not only staggering but inaccurate.  The lies that are spouted by the political parties involved make this horror story into a fairy tale.

Even before 1492 immigrants have flooded this country, now numbering in the millions from every other country in the world, whether for the chance at a better life or because they had to flee for their lives.  The Southern border is the present exception and the reality that defines the “American Dream” and what it takes to turn a Journey of Hope into a Hopeless Nightmare.

The United States Military plans to detain 20,000 people and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement will create 15,000 beds to hold families together.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency camps have not been mentioned yet.

With no Hearing Process in place, the “Catch and Release” program is a complete sham, even with the required ankle bracelets.  In this “Nation of Laws”, 80 percent of those immigrants seeking asylum are deliberately and unlawfully considered a part of the chain migration and slated for deportation, even if they face death in their homeland.

The Human and Civil Rights and Religious Liberties of our Southern neighbors, including those of the “Dreamers” under the DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS (DACA) a type of administrative relief from deportation are violated with impunity.  Hate crimes are increasing as well as food prices while a multitude of crop fields are left to rot because of worker shortages.

Republicans who were polled favor punishment (73%) with 23 percent who desire humane treatment for those who make it to U.S. soil.  At present, approximately 2,053 children refugees are in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services custody while the Dept. of Homeland Security aggressively seeks prosecution of all who are dubbed “Criminals”.

Women and children are mercilessly included in the ZTP.  The GOP made a terrible mistake by using their bogus “20-Day Rule” as a mid-term election tool.  Any legislation will probably lead to indefinite detention as there was no preparation for this inhumane round-up of migrants by Storm Troopers of this White House administration.

Trump’s radically racist decisions are not reversed under his Executive Order (“Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation,”) as an estimated “538 families” have been reunited with each other. Another 20,000 are expected to be held in tent cities by August 2018.  Contractors are paid $2,000.00 per day to detain each person.  And the $70 billion to build a Border Wall and $150 million a year to maintain it is full of holes and not a deterrent.  Do the math.

On Saturday, June 30, 2018, from noon to 5 pm, there will be a vigil and protest on behalf of our detained migrant neighbors at the Gallup Cultural Center located at 201 East Highway 66.  This Event for the Children joins others world-wide.  Bring your signs, banners and prayers.

Mervyn Tilden
Gallup, New Mexico