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Gamerco female busted for possession of “G”

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Tandreka Anderson jailed on $5K bond

A Gamerco female remained incarcerated June 7 after deputies with the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office discovered illegal drugs hidden within her clothing during a traffic stop. A false name given to the arresting officer got the suspect in even more hot water, according to a police report on the matter.

Steve Silversmith, warden at the McKinley County Adult Detention Center, said Tandreka Anderson was jailed May 31 on a $5,000 cash-only bond.

What happened?

McKinley County Sheriff’s Deputy Arnold Noriega wrote in a police report that Anderson, 26, was pulled over in a car driven by Aqualino Lopez. Both Anderson and Lopez are area residents. Anderson, who had an outstanding warrant from McKinley County, initially gave Noriega a false name to avoid detention, the police report suggests.

“I approached [Ms. Anderson] and asked her what her name was,” Noriega wrote. “I told her to tell me the truth because I know who she is.”

Anderson was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance, and concealment of identity. Noriega recorded that Anderson gave the name “Lashanda Perry” when initially asked to identify herself.

She had in her possession a glass pipe commonly used for smoking illegal drugs like meth or crack, a bag of methamphetamine, whose street name around Gallup is “G,” and marijuana, according to Noriega’s report.

The drug-related items were hidden in Anderson’s bra area and out of Noriega’s sight. A female officer was called to the scene to assist in the arrest, the police report states.

According to the report, Lopez was given a verbal warning for having no driver’s license and failing to stop at a stop sign.

By Bernie Dotson
Sun Correspondent