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You are here: News Public Safety WEEKLY DWI REPORT


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Titus Nelson

Sept. 15, 9:22 pm

2nd DWI Offence

McKinley County Sheriffs Deputy, Merlin Benally was working overtime for 100 Days and Nights. While patroling State Highway 602 he clocked a speeding vehicle. Using his Kustom Signals Eagle II radar equipment, at 64 MPH in a 55MPH. According to the report, Titus greeted the officer and said, “Oh Really? I was coming down the hill right there.”

As Benally approached the vehicle, he noticed Nelson smelled of alcohol. Benally noticed that Nelson’s eyes were bloodshot and watery. But, Nelson said his passenger, Andromeda, was the one who smelled and had been drinking. Nelson denied that he’d been drinking. The officer asked Nelson to be honest with him and let him know, if Nelson had been drinking. Nelson then admitted to having had a Pabst before driving. Benally conducted a field sobriety test and observed that Nelson swayed while standing. Nelson was given a portable Breathalyzer that read 0.1222 percent BRAC reading. Nelson was charged after a search of the vehicle, with speeding, a second DWI, and an open container.

Lisa Begay

Sept. 11, 4:55 pm

3rd DWI/Hit and Run

Gallup Police Department, Officer Steven Peshlaski was on saturation patrol and Officers M. Graham, R. Blackgoat, C. James were investigating a hit and run vehicle crash. Two witnesses to the incident, Patricia Platero and Nina Murphy, witnessed the crash and followed the suspect’s vehicle a white Chevy SUV.

The victim was Shannon Wilson of Vanderwagon NM. The suspect later identified as Lisa Begay. Blackgoat made the traffic stop and requested a saturation unit. Peshlaski headed to the scene. Begay’s vehicle had damage to the front bumper.

Two open and empty cans of 12oz Steel Reserve were in the vehicle. Begay said she was fine and did not need medical attention. She agreed to a field sobriety test and she kept swaying from side to side and had to lean on the unit to keep upright.

Begay was transported to the McKinley County Detox Center where she refused a breath test and was yelling that she wanted to be left alone. After she was cleared medically, she was charged with her third DWI offense and aggravated refusal. She was also charged with leaving the scene of an accident, failure to register vehicle, and failure to insure vehicle. She also had a bench warrant out for shoplifting.

Calvin Tsosie

Sept 11, 6:28 pm


Gallup Police Department reporting Officer Matthew Ashley was parked in his marked patrol unit on the corner on Mesa Ave. He saw a four door Chevy Malibu drive through the intersection without slowing down. Halfway through the intersection the vehicle suddenly stopped and then continued forward. Ashley then pulled behind the Malibu and turned on his emergency lights. The male driver was asked for his license and registration.

According to the report, the driver, Calvin Tsosie looked confused by the question. When asked why he was pulled over, Tsosie said “he failed to use turn signals.” But the Ashley informed him that it was the failure to stop at the intersection. Ashley noted a 6 pack of Budwieser in a white plastic bag, with several bottles missing.

Tsosie smelled of alcohol and said he could only find his ID and no other documents. The officer asked Tsoise if he could do a field sobriety test. Tsosie said he could. When asked if he had injuries by Ashley, Tsosie said he had pins in his knee. When asked by Ashley, if he could sit, stand, walk, and turn around, Tsosie said “sometimes.” He was transported to Gallup Detox Center where nurse Stacey McDonald said Tsosie’s BRAC was .395. Tsosie was charged with a DWI, failure to yield or stop at intersection, no license, failure to register or insure a vehicle, and an open container.

Rhoda Peralto

9/06, 8:42 pm

Failure to maintain lane

McKinley county Sheriff’s deputy Roxanne King, was traveling on Hwy 118 traveling east bound. She observed a black Buick passenger car that was unable to maintain its traffic lane, crossing center and going approximately 46 MPH. She followed the vehicle until mile marker 33 where it was safe to conduct a traffic stop. King informed Peralto that she was stopped for failure to maintain her lane. When asked for her license and registration, Peralto said she didn’t have them. King could smell alcohol while speaking with Peralto. King conducted a sobriety test after informing dispatch. Peralto confirmed she understood her rights. King asked if the passenger Samuel Curley had a license. Peralto informed King that he didn’t and was too drunk to drive. King found an open container after handcuffing Curley to take him to the Gallup Detox center. Peralto was charged with an aggravated DWI and open container.

Leonna Yazzie

Sept. 5, 12:23 pm

4th DWI

McKinley county Sheriff’s deputy Merlin Benally was on patrol near the old State Police office. When he spotted a black lifted truck with a veterans plate. An ATL went out that it was involved in a Larceny, at Gilbert Ortega’s East, 3306 E. Hwy. 66. A male subject stole two packs of beer. The vehicle matched the description, the Benally met with the driver, Leona Yazzie. She smelled of alcohol. Ty Yazzie was identified as the shoplifter and arrested on scene. The driver, Leona Yazzie, was charged with an aggravated DWI. Both passengers were intoxicated.