
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

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You are here: News Public Safety Man charged with shooting at people over barking dogs

Man charged with shooting at people over barking dogs

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A Gallup man was charged in connection with a shooting incident that occurred during a confrontation over barking dogs.

Harley Davidson Joe, 38, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, appeared before a federal judge on May 22 and was released pending trial.

According to the criminal complaint, on May 11, three individuals were walking their dogs in Gallup when Joe drove past them in a truck. The dogs allegedly began barking at the truck but did not go towards the vehicle. Joe reportedly stopped and exited the vehicle and confronted the group about their dogs’ barking.

An argument ensued, during which Joe reportedly brandished a handgun. One victim saw Joe firing shots toward him and returned fire in self-defense, firing approximately 10 rounds until his firearm was empty. Joe then reportedly got back in his truck and drove away.The three individuals then ran back to their residence.

Joe later called for an ambulance, claiming he had been shot by an unknown person. Medical personnel found Joe at a residence in Gallup and determined that he had suffered a gunshot wound to the abdomen. He was transported to the Gallup Indian Medical Center where he was treated.

At Joe’s residence, investigators found his green Dodge pickup with blood inside and a Glock 17 handgun, which Joe initially denied possessing. However, he later told agents that he retrieved the firearm from under the driver’s seat after he had been shot and fired approximately five rounds toward two males who ran toward him.

If convicted of the current charges, Joe faces at least 10 years and up to life in prison.

The Gallup Resident Agency of the FBI Albuquerque Field Office investigated this case with assistance from the Navajo Nation Police Department and the Navajo Department of Criminal Investigations. Assistant United States Attorney Caitlin L. Dillon is prosecuting the case.

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