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Arrested for lashing out at restaurant

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The latest in man’s list of violent charges

A man with multiple criminal charges was on his last chance before he decided to bash a man over the head with a beer glass at a local restaurant. That decision led to the district attorney getting involved and not letting him out of jail until his trial date.

On March 1, around 12 am, Gallup Police Officer Ryan Boucher was dispatched to Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital after a caller said a man identified as Terry Radosevich hit him with a glass. According to Boucher’s report, the victim was en route to the hospital as he was making the call.

When Boucher arrived at the hospital, he did notice that there was a lot of blood in the waiting room. He met with the victim as he lay in one of the hospital beds.

The victim explained that he and his wife were at the Panz Alegra restaurant at 1201 E. Hwy. 66 when he noticed Radosevich, 25, walk into the business. The victim said he called out to Radosevich, asking “what’s up?”

The victim claimed that he and Radosevich were friends, or at least he thought they were. He stated Radosevich reportedly walked up to him, and he thought he was going to shake his hand, but Radosevich proceeded to hit him over the head with a glass of beer he’d been holding.

After the incident, the victim and his wife left the restaurant and she drove him to the hospital.

When Boucher spoke to the victim’s wife, she said that Radosevich had been sitting up at the restaurant’s bar, and he kept looking over at their table. She said her husband had towed a vehicle for Radosevich once, and that’s how he knew him.

The victim’s wife backed up her husband’s story, saying that the glass shattered on her husband’s head. After the incident, an older man reportedly grabbed Radosevich and left the restaurant with him.

The victim had four cuts on the left side of his face, for which he received four stitches and staples.

Radosevich was charged with aggravated battery for the violent attack. At the time of arrest, he was also facing charges for an incident that happened Nov. 24 where he was seen driving recklessly in the Heritage Plaza parking lot and almost hit multiple vehicles and pedestrians.

During that incident, Radosevich allegedly had a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun on him and multiple open containers of alcoholic beverages in his vehicle. He was charged with aggravated battery upon a peace officer, aggravated fleeing a law enforcement officer, unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon, reckless driving, and open container.

According to court documents, Radosevich has a history of both violent and drug-related charges dating as far back as 2013. For this reason, the Eleventh Judicial District Chief Deputy District Attorney Bernadine Martin signed an order March 27 that stated Radosevich must stay in jail while he is awaiting trial. His preliminary hearing for the March 1 incident was scheduled for April 28.

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