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KGCB talks future plans

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The Keep Gallup Clean and Beautiful Board met Feb. 16 to brainstorm ways to motivate and inspire Gallupians to beautify the city.

Board member Kara Smith envisioned a day when there would be less litter in Gallup.

“Ultimately the way I see that happening is step-by-step and one thing that we need to continue doing as an organization with our strategic planning process, is building out a phase[d] work plan,” Smith said.

When the board discussed how they might achieve their goals of ending littering and making Gallup beautiful, Smith said “That could involve everything from PSAs [public service announcements], … to innovative campaigns — that could be billboards, that could be murals – that spread the messaging of what we’re doing and build camaraderie and pride in our community, because I think that’s one of the parts of our mission.”

She also suggested making coloring books for kids that would promote reducing waste and not littering.

Smith suggested that businesses could become some of the organization’s biggest advocates. She said she could imagine business owners and employees volunteering to do cleanup work.

At this time, the New Mexico Department of Health currently prevents formal group clean-up events because of COVID-19.

Elizabeth Barriga emailed designs for KGCB t-shirts to board members before the meeting. She asked them to vote on the designs promptly so she could place orders as soon as possible.

KGCB Vice-chairperson Cory Lebeck asked board members to use the KGCB Facebook page to participate in the effort by posting their ideas, or to email her with content ideas for the page.

The next KGCB meeting is scheduled for March 16 at 4 pm.

By Molly Adamson
Sun Correspondent