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Wash. neo-Nazi sentenced for threats against Jews

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A member of the neo-Nazis was sentenced Dec. 9 by a federal judge in Wash. State for using intimidation and threats against journalists and others who were working to expose anti-Semitism.

Johnny Roman Garza, 21, a member of the Neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, received almost a year and a half in prison, plus three years of supervised release for admitting to targeting his victims via an encrypted chat line before stalking one of them and using threats with a homemade poster.

According to the Department of Justice’s news release, on Jan. 25, Garza went to the home of an unnamed Jewish journalist and put up a poster containing the victim’s name and address, warning “Your actions have consequences. Our patience has its limits.”

The DOJ release said Garza explained to his conspirators that the plot was designed to have Jewish journalists, advocates and people of color “all wake up one morning and find themselves terrorized by targeted propaganda.”

A plea deal was accepted for Garza, who was charged with federal crimes of cyberstalking, mailing threatening communications and interfering with federally-protected activities against those he sought to harm.

Brian Moran, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Washington, said Garza “delivered a hateful, threatening poster — spreading fear and anxiety. Such conduct has no place in our community.”

Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband noted the Nazis’ role in World War II in order to point out that even today, “Nazi-inspired threats and violence continue to plague this nation” decades after the war’s end.

“Threats motivated by religious intolerance are unacceptable, and so, too, are threats aimed at those who work to end such discrimination,” he said. “The Justice Department will continue the fight against neo-Nazi-related threats and violence, and is committed, fully to investigating and prosecuting anyone who commits hate crimes.”

Earl Camp, FBI Seattle acting special agent in charge, commended the work of the bureau, which included task forces in four cities, in addition to the Seattle Police Department, for investigating the neo-Nazis’ activities in this case.

“Protecting our communities from terrorism, both domestic and international, is a top priority for the FBI,” Camp said. “We are proud of the collaborative nationwide efforts of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces and other law enforcement partners to hold these individuals accountable for their actions.”