
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jun 17th

Last update10:02:32 AM GMT

You are here: News Public Safety Unknown male found dead on bench

Unknown male found dead on bench

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Efforts at CPR to no avail

Gallup Police Officer Timothy Hughte was dispatched to a downtown walkway July 9, to a call about an unresponsive male. When he got there, he met the caller, Lamonzo Dennison.

Dennison said he had gone through the area earlier, and when he returned the male was still lying on the bench.

Hughte said the man had a red hat under his head and his arms were in normal position down to his side. He said he looked like he had gone to sleep.

Hughte and Dennison moved the man to the ground and Hughte began CPR. Efforts by Hughte and other officers and members of the fire department continued, but the man remained unresponsive.  His time of death was called at 1:39 am.

Shortly after, Dennison began to get demanding and Hughte placed him in handcuffs.  He had a seat in the patrol unit and was taken to Gallup Detox by Officer Cindy Romancito.

The unidentified male was placed in a transport van for Cope Memorial Chapel.