
Gallup Sun

Thursday, Jul 18th

Last update09:28:06 PM GMT

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Weekly Crime Blotter

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McKinley County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Shane Bennett responded to a late night call from a concerned relative about a case of domestic abuse underway involving several household members, including two children. He arrived at the scene on 40 Rose Street to find John W. Gibson, 21, combative and intoxicated with blood on his face.

Gibson had started drinking before 1 pm, and according to one household member he had been drinking all day. The face of the household member who had witnessed his early drinking was discolored from serious bruising that allegedly been inflicted by Gibson earlier that night.

Gibson was outside in front of the house when another unsuspecting family member arrived around midnight. Even though it was below freezing they found him standing outside of their home with his shirt off, intoxicated. After they entered the home, Gibson followed them inside and reportedly began attacking them physically. The victim began punching him in the face, in an attempt to get him to back off.

Gibson’s blood was still on their fists when the deputy arrived. According to the household member who subdued him, Gibson was set to move to Arlington, TX in a few days, but instead he was arrested and charged with two counts of battery against a household member.


2/27, GALLUP

Daniel Contreras-Vasquez, 41, had originally been stopped for speeding at 84 mph in a 65 mph zone along I-40 east near the 27 mile marker by McKinley County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Arnold Noriega. Marijuana smoke wafted from the inside of the vehicle as the deputy questioned him. The fast-talking driver claimed to be on his way to a BBQ contest and a reunion in Houston, TX.

The deputy noticed that the vehicle was a rental and inquired if Contreras-Vasquez was the renter of the vehicle. He stated that he was not, that a friend had rented it for him, and explained that this friend was also being stopped east of their location by another deputy.

Parts of his story did not add up with the deputy, and he noted that the driver was extremely nervous, talking very fast and rambling, but he finally decided to let him go, and issued a warning citation. He told him he was free to leave.

As Contreras-Vasquez approached his vehicle to leave, the deputy reportedly changed his mind, and asked for him to hold on for a moment. Contreras-Vasquez jogged back to the deputy who began asking more detailed questions about the BBQ contest and the reunion, as the story was arousing stronger suspicions. He questioned him about the marijuana smell and if he was in possession of the drug. Contreras-Vasquez admitted to smoking a joint earlier.

The deputy then asked if he could search Contreras-Vasquez’s vehicle. He consented, and after the deputy uncovered two small bags of marijuana in a backpack within the vehicle, Daniel yelled from outside that he was only trying to have fun with his friends. Noriega ignored him and persisted in his search. His intuition was rewarded with a red lunch box full of 12 pounds of crystal methamphetamine further back in the vehicle. Contreras-Vasquez was taken into custody and booked on charges of drug trafficking.



The owner of a building reported a burglary in progress at one of the businesses located at Creamland, 1005 East Hwy 66. He had arrived sometime around 10 am to discover that one of the front windows of the business had been broken. After entering the property he found a man in a hoodie and shorts at the back of the store, John A. Cabrera, 35.

The owner confronted him and told him to wait for law enforcement to arrive. The suspect replied, “I didn’t break the window, I came in after it was broken,” before fleeing, according to the report.

Gallup Police Department Officer Ryan Blackgoat and Officer Norman Bowman arrived quickly and began searching the area, locating the suspect, Cabrera, behind a Gas Up convenience store nearby. He was placed under arrest for breaking and entering – the third time since October.



Gallup Police Department Officers Justin Benally and Harland Soseeah were dispatched to 710 S. Second St in response to a domestic dispute call. The distressed caller explained to dispatch that he was being attacked by a woman and he claimed that she was going crazy and on methamphetamine.

As the officers arrived on the scene a shirtless man ran out of the residence and explained that a household member, Michelle Saucedo, 32, had removed her clothes and locked herself inside the residence after assaulting him with thrown objects. She had also surprised him with a BB gun across the back of his skull as he was sitting on the couch in the living room. The victim stated that after the attack with the BB gun he ran to the bedroom to escape the violent individual, and she then proceeded to blockade the door so he could not escape. She entered the bedroom after an undisclosed amount of time and he took the opportunity to run for the exit while she was distracted,  just as the police arrived.

Officers observed the bump on his head from being hit across the head and asked Saucedo to get dressed and come outside for questioning. Saucedo cooperated, explaining that she was just drinking and had not touched drugs in weeks. She said that the victim was cheating on her. Stating repeatedly that the incident was merely an argument, she did not give any other information.

The victim claimed that Saucedo had probably hidden the BB gun when officers came up empty handed in their search for the weapon. Saucedo was booked for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and false imprisonment.




A reported vehicle malfunction on a clear and dry day turned into a life-threatening situation when a vehicle traveling at 55 mph containing four passengers flipped and rolled four times on NM-118 around the 7.6 mile marker. Deputy Selina Brown of the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office arrived on the scene to assist. All passengers sustained injuries and had to be transported immediately to Gallup Indian Medical Center.

The driver of the vehicle, Christopher G. Richards, of Mentmore, who did not have a driver’s license or insurance, stated that he was traveling at 55 mph when suddenly the vehicle began jerking and sliding, and the brakes locked up under his feet before it rolled over. The vehicle had been giving them problems since the day before the accident. A loud noise was present in the vehicle as the driver began to lose control, witnesses said. Richards, 33, was issued a citation  due to the lack of a driver’s license, child restraint and lack of insurance.



As Elizabeth Quintana headed north up U.S. 491, she struck pedestrian Gordon Watchman as she merged onto South Chino Loop. The pedestrian was knocked unconscious but was still breathing and moving slightly when Med Star ambulance arrived on the scene to transport him to Gallup Indian Medical Center. The driver and passenger of the vehicle were uninjured. The status of the pedestrian is unknown as of press time.