
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Jun 26th

Last update11:13:03 AM GMT

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Sun News

Navajo Nation Treaty Day message

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‘Níwohdéé’ nihi amá sání dóó nihi acheii Hwéeldi déé ahní nak’aa.’

A time ago, our grandmothers and grandfathers returned back from Ft. Sumner on foot, after years of captivity by the federal government. The Long Walk of the Navajo people was a time of suffering and sadness for the tribe.

Many of our...

‘Flower Power’

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Journalists not happy with new attempted restrictions by court

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ALBUQUERQUE–Quickly after the Second Judicial District Court announced restrictions to journalists covering cases, journalists denounced and mocked the restrictions. The court admitted it was “overbroad” and said that the restrictions were being rewritten.

A memo to members of the press titled “Media Access to the Courthouse” laid out the new restrictions and is dated June 2, though journalists received it on Wednesday morning, June 3.

The memo acknowledges that “cameras and recording devices are allowed in the courtroom” as long as they abide by a rule set forth by the New Mexico Supreme Court.

More from the memo, with quotes from the Supreme Court:

In addition, the...

Garden of Hope: More Than Just Food

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Driving by the corner of Miyamura Overpass and Hassler Valley Road it’s hard to tell there is good work happening just to your side. The Jim Harlin Community Pantry is not just a distribution site for food for the hungry. The Garden of Hope is a living opportunity to learn about home-grown foods and healthy eating.

The staff at the pantry took master gardening classes from New Mexico State University in an effort to become familiar with the best way to utilize the property around the pantry facility. Kenworth Jones developed a passion from the classes and has become the official gardener for the pantry. His knowledge about growing and maintaining a large garden is evident when he...

Community Pantry’s new leadership: Alice Perez aims to increase FOOD distribution

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Alice Perez will officially take over as director of the Jim Harlin Community Pantry on June 1. She hopes that with a “combination of passion, a great team to work with and community support it can turn into one of the best pantries in the state.”

A 35 year resident of Gallup, Perez and her husband, Max, have raised four children here.  They have four grandchildren and one on the way.

Perez takes over a pantry that was started in 1999. The pantry has had its challenges, but has a strong foundation. With only nine employees, seven of whom are part time, the food pantry contributes to the needs of over 3,000 individuals or families each month. It depends on volunteers and the...

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